And Eternity
picture of a young man appeared. “Senator Kaftan’s office,” he said. “Oh, hello. Judge Scott! She’s in conference at the moment, but I’ll have her call you back.”
    “No need, Joe,” the Judge said. “Merely inform her that I propose to assume jurisdiction over one of her clients, with her permission.”
    Joe’s eyes moved around until they spied Vita. “No problem. Judge; her permission is noted.”
    “Thank you.” The image faded.
    “What’s going on?” Jolie asked, amazed.
    “When you mentioned Luna Kaftan, I knew this was no ordinary case. So I verified that you are what you claim to be, and that this girl, your host, is indeed a concern of Luna’s. She wants the matter handled discreetly, so I am assuming personal jurisdiction. But I am not about to take an errant juvenile girl into my home unsupervised. I must have your commitment to remain with her until this matter has been resolved.”
    “Your home?” Jolie still was struggling over the Judge’s evidently close acquaintance with Luna.
    “There are no appropriate facilities for such a project. My housekeeper will see to your comfort. I will release you on your own recognizance, and you will report to my residence immediately. There you will be able to tend to your host’s needs without harassment. Will you make that commitment, Jolie?”
    If Luna knew this man and trusted him, Jolie realized she could do no less. “Yes.”
    “Very well. You will be conducted back to your cell. This afternoon you will appear before me formally. Thereafter you will go to this address.” He gave her a card. “I will provide a carpet, as the girl’s pimp may be on watch for her release. Avoid him.”
    “Thank you,” Jolie said faintly. What was she caught up in here? The Judge seemed so direct and understanding but taking an underage prostitute into his home? If it wasn’t for Luna’s involvement, she would distrust this overwhelmingly; as it was, she distrusted it only significantly.
    The matron returned. The interview was over, and what an interview it had been!
    So he does want young flesh!
Vita thought.
    Jolie, you can’t put her into his power!
Orlene thought.
You know the sexual imperative of the male!
    Who cares? Vita retorted.
He can’t be as bad as the pimp was. If I do good, maybe he’ll let me have some H.
    No sex! Orlene thought.
    No H!
Jolie thought at the same time.
    We’ll see
, the girl responded smugly.
    If your father molested you,
Orlene asked,
why are you so eager for sex with strangers?
    I’m not eager, in fact I don’t like it. But it’s not incest, and if anyone finds out, it won’t put my father in prison and break up my family and break my mother’s heart. It’s the only currency I’ve got now, so I might as well make it count. The H makes it okay, and it can really make a man jump. Sex is power.
    They reached the cell. “Here is your headache pill,” the matron said, proffering a capsule.
    “Headache?” Jolie asked, surprised. Then she realized that the Judge must have ordered it, so she accepted it.
    “Thank you.”
    They were alone.
Is that H?
Vita asked eagerly.
I’m near dying for a sniff.
    “You aren’t dying,” Jolie said. “I can feel your body, now, remember. It’s only a moderate withdrawal discomfort; you really aren’t addicted yet, and you aren’t going to be. This pill is to ease even that symptom.” She put it in her mouth, and it dissolved immediately into sweet juice, which she swallowed.
    Maybe it’s just a symptom to you, but it’s one hell of a craving for me!
Vita retorted.
If I were on my own now, I’d be out hustling for it, you bet.
    You will not have it while I’m in charge, Jolie retorted. Vita subsided sullenly. It was obvious that she was biding her time and would go for the H the moment she had opportunity. Even though they shared the body, they did not share the craving.
    Gaea is my mother?
Orlene asked. “It is true,” Jolie said, subvocalizing. “I’m sorry I

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