and along came SPIDER ( A Martina Spalding Thriller ) (Spider Series Book 1)

and along came SPIDER ( A Martina Spalding Thriller ) (Spider Series Book 1) by J.R. WRIGHT Page B

Book: and along came SPIDER ( A Martina Spalding Thriller ) (Spider Series Book 1) by J.R. WRIGHT Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.R. WRIGHT
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Gloria involved.  “There was a lone
man in it.  It was parked across the street from our apartment building at the
time of the attack.  Perhaps he took this man away while we were busy inside
attending to Parker McLean.”
    “Is that all you have?”
Dunbar glared, again.
    “Pretty much,” Marti
said.  “I may come up with more once I’ve had some rest.  Who knows?  But
that’s it for now.  Do you know who this man is, Lieutenant?”
    “Not yet,” Dunbar
said.  “No ID on him.  But that’s typical.”
    “Typical of what?”
Marti asked.
    “Of a hit.”
    “Or perhaps a hit man?”
Marti suggested.
    “That too.”  Dunbar
headed for the door.  “Put him on the table, Harley.  As soon as you locate
those slugs, I want them.”
    Back at the apartment
building, Dunbar stepped out to the curb and again assisted the women in
exiting the patrol car.  “Ms. Gillen.  Miss Spalding.  He tipped his hat to
each and, in the process, gave each his card.  “Anything at all comes to mind,
call me, okay?”
    The two nodded
exhaustedly and began walking away.
    “And, Miss Spalding? 
When we speak again, I want your take on why you think your friend Gloria
Gillen’s life is in danger.  I have it all here in the notes… the ones taken by
the officer at the hospital.”  He waved the notebook.
    With that, Marti turned
back to him.  Reaching Dunbar again, she said, “Because the two of us entered
the building, and as we walked for the stairs, it was Gloria he lunged for,
even though she was farthest from him.  To my right.  That was proof enough for
    “Good answer, Martina. 
But that theory really doesn’t hold water.  What if he had in mind to kill you
both?  Under normal circumstances you would have thought that, would you not? 
I mean, the man came at you both.  Yet you choose to believe it was only Gloria
he was after.  The only reason you would think that is if you know more than
you’re telling me.”  He glared, hoping for a sign he was right… but got
nothing.  “For the life of me, I don’t know why I’m not hauling you down to the
station right now for further questioning.”
    “You won’t do that,
Lieutenant, because you’re smart.  You’ve already figured me out, and know
you’ll get more out of me with patience.”  Martina’s eyes twinkled as she
studied his face for a reaction to that.  Seeing the faint puppy dog look hoped
for, she now felt it was time for another bone.  “However, if this is of any
consequence, you’re right…  There is more.”
    “What?” he asked
    “Try on the name
Raymond Koffee for size.  See what revelations that brings you, Lieutenant.” 
Martina said as she backed away.
    “Raym?”  He doubled
back.  “You have to be kidding me?  What does he have to do with any of this?”
    “You asked.  I told.”
    Martina caught up with Gloria
at the top of the steps and the two entered the building.  This left Dunbar
pondering what she’d said as he watched her go.  ‘Ah, to be young again,’ he
thought, and climbed into the patrol car.
    “What do you know about
Raym Koffee, Officer Ripley?  Other than that pile of money he’s sitting on, is
there anything else about him that may produce a stink?”

    Finding she had
acquired a second wind, Marti took a quick shower, dressed cheerfully for a
summer Sunday, and left the apartment.  She was going back to the hospital to
be with Parker for a time.  It was such a beautiful day, she decided to walk
the eight blocks there and take her time doing it.  It would be hot later, she
knew, but for now while the morning breeze was cool, she would take full
    After walking a few
blocks, Marti came to a small park that had been freshly groomed.  Had she not
worn nylons and spike heels, she would have considered a stroll of the
inviting, grassy space. Perhaps even sit for a while on one of the iron
benches, under an ancient oak at the

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