An Unexpected Husband (The Colorado Brides Series)

An Unexpected Husband (The Colorado Brides Series) by Carré White Page B

Book: An Unexpected Husband (The Colorado Brides Series) by Carré White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carré White
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that nature. Why must they eat spinach?”
    I laughed, “Oh, I agree! I’ve always hated spinach.”
    “I’d be forced to eat it, and then I’d spit it out in my napkin. It’s revolting.”
    “I won’t force Rosalind to eat spinach. Collard greens and carrots and things are far tastier. Most children don’t like vegetables, and they still grow to be hearty and strong.” I’d snuggled next to him, resting my head on his chest, while his hand stroked my back. “We’re of the same mind there.”
    “Do you gamble?”
    That was unexpected. “No, sir.”
    “No cards or dice? Horses?”
    “No,” I giggled. “Who do you know that gambles?”
    “A friend’s wife liked cards. She spent all his money. He’s bankrupt now.”
    “That’s unfortunate. I won’t spend all your money, sir.”
    “Brandon. Please call me Brandon.”
    “I like pretty material and lace, si—Brandon. I…do like to make dresses, but I hardly have the time now.”
    “I’d love to lavish new dresses upon you and all those other things ladies like.”
    A grin split my face. “That sounds like a dream.” It was impossible to grasp that I would be married soon to this handsome man, who seemed far too good to be true. I was afraid to believe such fortune had come my way.
    “It’s early days, but…do you think you could love me?” he asked.
    “I haven’t seen your temper yet. I’ll have to reserve my judgment until then.”
    “That’s sensible.”
    “But…from what I’ve seen so far, falling in love with you…wouldn’t be terribly difficult.”
    “That’s good to know.” There was laughter in his voice.
    “Would you be able to feel the same about me?”
    He met my gaze, staring steadily. “I adore you, Mary.” He touched my face, his thumb running across my lips. “I can’t regret the past, although I’m saddened Georgette is gone, but this was God’s plan. I see that now. I was meant to come west. It was you I’ve been destined to meet.”
    I gazed at him, speechless.
    “I can feel it. Can you?”
    “Yes,” I whispered.
    “Life is so short, my dear. We only have today. I can’t see wasting this opportunity.”
    I rested my head against his chest. “I want today to start right now.”
    “It has.” He kissed my forehead. “It already has.”
    It was late before I finally went to bed. Brandon and I talked for hours, lying before the fire, while our bodies were warmed through all the way to the bone. When I woke the next morning, he’d already gone, presumably to talk to Pastor Bailey and ask for my hand in marriage. I hurried to prepare myself, wanting Rosalind and I to be ready for his arrival. My family would soon know about my imminent engagement, although it had yet to happen. There were so many things that needed to be taken care of. My head spun with ideas, and it wasn’t until after Rosalind was awake and fed, that I had a moment to write down a list of things I needed to attend to.
    A commotion in the street sent me from the sofa, as men shouted to one another. Drawing back the curtain, I observed what looked like a stagecoach parked out front. Several men had hurried to retrieve the leather trunks at the back. The occupants of the conveyance were nowhere to be seen, yet, moments later, there were voices in the hallway.
    The maid, Allette, had been tidying up the room, dusting and fluffing pillows, but upon hearing the disturbance, she said, “Are we expecting guests?”
    “Mr. Carlyle is…but not yet, I don’t think.” An unpleasant feeling registered, that perhaps his sister had arrived already, but that couldn’t be. A knock sounded. “I suppose that’s us.”
    “I’ll get it.” She swept down the hallway, reaching for the door, which revealed a woman in a traveling outfit and hat.
    “Good day,” the stranger said gaily. “Is Mr. Carlyle in residence?”
    “Yes, ma’am, but he’s just gone out.”
    “I’m his sister, Elizabeth Carlyle. We’ve had a dreadfully long

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