An Impossible Secret
what everyone at uni will say once they know.”
    “Don't make any rash decisions. Give it some time.”
    “Leave me alone, please. I've got a migraine. I want to sleep.” Kerry lay on the bed, and turned her back to her mum.
    “Everything will be okay.” Her mum kissed her and then slipped out of the bedroom.
    Kerry wanted to sleep. She wasn't tired; she simply needed to escape. Her mind wouldn't co-operate. Every time she closed her eyes, she saw Brice and the expression on his face when he'd told her he knew about Lizzie. Had it been pity? Hate? No matter how much he might hate her, it couldn't be any more than she already hated herself. Hated her own stupidity. How could she have allowed herself to believe she could have a normal life? She'd been deluded. Other people had normal lives—not her. She knew now she'd always be alone.

    Chapter 53
    The last thing Brice felt like doing was going to university. He hadn't looked at the assignment he was supposed to hand in that morning. The alternatives weren't any more appealing. If he stayed at home, his mother would be on his case. She already knew something was wrong between him and Kerry, but he ignored her questions. What would he have told her? He barely understood it himself. Besides, it was none of her damn business. No matter how he felt about Kerry, his mother was in no position to judge anyone.
    “You okay?” Jimmy said. He'd been waiting for Brice at the main entrance.
    “Not really.”
    “What's happening with Kerry?”
    Brice shrugged.
    “Have you dumped her?”
    “Yes, no—I'm not sure.”
    “What are you waiting for? The girl's a psycho—”
    “Shut up, Jimmy! Just leave it!”
    “She wrecked your car.”
    “I said leave it.”
    “And what's with the clothes? She's a nut if you ask me—”
    Brice grabbed his friend by his shirt collar, and pushed him back against the wall.
    “I'm not asking you.” Brice put his fist under Jimmy's chin.
    “Okay! Okay! I'm sorry.”
    “Have you told anyone else?”
    “What? That she's a psycho?”
    Brice tightened his grip.
    “No. I haven't said anything.”
    “To anyone?”
    “No. No one.”
    “Okay, I'm sorry.” Brice released him. “You mustn't tell anyone. There's more to it than you know.”
    “Tell me.”
    “I can't. You're going to have to trust me.”
    “What do I do if I see her?” Jimmy asked.
    “Be nice. Act like nothing's happened.”
    Brice left his friend standing in the doorway. He and Jimmy often argued, but it was always good-natured. They'd never come to blows before.
    Brice made his way to the library, although he wasn't entirely sure why. What would he do if she was there? Speak to her? Blank her? How would she react when she saw him?
    He needn't have worried—she was nowhere to be seen.

    Chapter 54
    “You can't throw all your hard work away.” Kerry's mum was standing with her back to the bedroom window.
    “Leave me alone.” Kerry's voice was muffled. Her head was buried under the bed covers.
    Her mum walked over to the bed, and pulled back the covers.
    “You can't stay in bed for the rest of your life.”
    “Why not? Who would care?”
    “I would.” She threw the covers onto the floor.
    “You're the only one.”
    “Brice would.”
    Kerry's laugh had a hollow ring.
    “He cares about you. I can tell.”
    “He did. Past tense.”
    “You have to talk to him.”
    “And say what?” Kerry sat up, and pulled her knees up under her chin. “Tell me what I'm supposed to say to him.”
    “Tell him the truth.” Her mum sat on the bed beside her. Her every instinct was to throw her arms around her daughter, but she sensed a barrier between them.
    “He already knows the truth.”
    “He knows the facts—that's different. He knows about the D.I.D.—he doesn't know how you feel. He doesn't know about your life with D.I.D.”
    “Why would he want to know? Why would anyone?”
    “Do you love him?”
    The question took Kerry by

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