Amy's Touch

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Book: Amy's Touch by Lynne Wilding Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne Wilding
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automatically moved towards their new partners.
    ‘Now that you’ve been here for a while, tell me, what do you think of country life?’ Randall asked as, standing side by side, with one arm around her shoulders, they moved in time to the music.
    ‘I’m enjoying it. So is Father.’ She glanced up at his profile then away again quickly. ‘And work has started on the town’s hospital, so soon there’ll be more work for Father and me.’
    ‘Mmmm.’ His tone turned thoughtful. ‘I suppose it’s a sign of progress that the town’s become large enough to need a hospital, even a small one.’
    ‘Yes. It will be only half the size of the hospital proposed for Hawker, but very modern. We’ll even have an X-ray machine.’
    Randall nodded at that piece of information without saying anything. Damn it! What in God’s name had possessed him to ask Amy Carmichael to dance? They had nothing in common other than…Danny. And why, having asked her, did he feel so out of sorts? And,adding to his confusion, why did it feel so good to hold her in his arms, to smell the light fragrance she wore, to see her enjoying herself? These and other questions roamed in and out of his mind until he forcefully berated himself. They stepped forward, dipped, and moved forward again. Get a hold of yourself. She’s your brother’s girlfriend and Danny’s in love with her. You shouldn’t be thinking or wondering anything about her.
    ‘I believe it will be good for the town,’ Amy cut into his reverie.
    Randall frowned and reined in his errant thoughts. ‘What will?’
    Amy gave him a strange look. ‘The hospital, of course.’
    ‘Oh, yes. That’s partly why your father moved here, isn’t it?’
    ‘Why we both moved,’ she made the pert correction.
    By the time the music came to an end, both had exhausted several topics of conversation, but Randall was aware of a tension recurring within him that over the time of being reunited with Drovers Way had seemed to disappear. It was odd that Amy had the power to cause his gut to tighten, the same way as the European battlefields had. Well, not quite the same way, he was honest enough to acknowledge. He didn’t like being so aware of her every movement, the sound of her voice, the way several strands of hair refused to stay in place and curled naturally around her face. But there was a way to curb this interest. All he had to do was replace it with something or someone else. At that precise moment his gaze happened to rest on Beth Walpole: congenial, self-effacing, intelligent Beth—now she could be a worthwhile distraction. Their eyes met and he smiled. She smiled back encouragingly.
    Danny arrived at Amy’s side, a happy grin in place. ‘Great dance, eh? Amy, would you like a drink?’
    ‘Yes, please, Danny.’ Amy looked up at Randall and said formally, ‘Thank you for the dance.’
    ‘My pleasure.’ Randall gave a bow of acknowledgment and, for a few seconds longer than necessary, watched her and Danny walk arm in arm towards the back of the hall.
    ‘They make a nice couple, don’t you think?’ Beth, who’d come up unnoticed by Randall on his right side, murmured. ‘Joe says Danny’s been courting Amy.’
    ‘Every chance he gets.’ Randall’s response was dry.
    ‘Amy and Dr Carmichael have made a good impression on the people of Gindaroo. Joe was quite taken by the way the doctor attended to his arm several months ago, and so was Daddy. Joecouldn’t work for a week because of the arm and Daddy was very cross with him.’
    ‘Bill’s not renowned for his forbearance.’ Randall softened the criticism with a smile.
    ‘Daddy works hard and he expects Joe to work as hard as him. After all, one day he’ll inherit just about everything. Unfortunately,’ she added, a twinkle in her hazel eyes, ‘Joe doesn’t care too much for hard work. Much to Daddy’s annoyance, Joe’s overly fond of gambling and attending the races.’
    ‘I don’t bet myself,’ Randall admitted.

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