Always His Earl

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Book: Always His Earl by Cheryl Dragon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheryl Dragon
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they lose all reason. You have a weapon in your jacket.” Myles smirked.
    “Of course I do. I don’t trust Philips,” George said.
    “Nor do I. Watch him carefully. His second is surely no better. He’s been in many suspect duels from what I hear.” Myles had done his homework. The navy may not have been his choice, but the connections provided Myles a link to information and people not generally accessible to many of the lords in London. Navy men didn’t trust outsiders easily—titled or not. Myles had earned his rank no matter how he entered the navy or what he’d inherited since.
    Philips and his second rode up on horseback. Myles knew the second to be a gambling cohort of Philips rather than family but it didn’t matter. This was war and the prize was honor. It was as simple as that. Myles had confidence and right on his side over the opposition. Honor trumped law.
    “No witnesses. As agreed,” Philips said as he dismounted. “I’m surprised you showed up. Is a woman really worth this fuss?”
    “You can leave,” George replied.
    Philips laughed. “I hide from nothing. Apologize for stealing my wife and return her, if you wish to live.”
    Myles shook his head. “My sister is not for you to abuse. Apologize for your cruelty and divorce her quietly.”
    “Never.” Philips laughed.
    “Then there is only one way to solve this,” Myles said.
    Philips pointed to his second.
    The second checked the pistols and nodded at George. “To the death.”
    “Death,” George agreed.
    Myles wouldn’t accept an apology or anything less than Philips’ dead body as restoration of his sister’s honor and life. The mindset possessed Myles. He had to kill that bastard to save his sister. She was innocent.
    If Myles had to kill his brother or father as well, in that moment, he could’ve done it. The memories of Claire’s battered body that first night and the days of her unconscious and painful recovery fueled Myles. Her life of fear and sorrow had to end now. A bit of revenge for what his father had done to Myles would feel good.
    Yet if his father and brother lived, would Myles have the right to challenge Philips? His honor said yes. The world, no doubt, disagreed.
    The men took their weapons and stood back to back. Myles towered over the little baron, but a well-placed bullet could kill a man regardless of his size. Myles made peace with his own death if it came, and prayed that it would not, if only so he could make up for those lost years to Claire and George.
    George and Philips’ second counted off the paces and stood closer than others in an average duel. Distrust filled the air. The steps seemed to take an eternity.
    Then Myles heard a shot. His body was untouched. He spun and took in the view. With every second that ticked by there was a chance he could be shot and two men who might be behind it. The baron lay on the ground, gun in his hand.
    George? Myles’ head snapped to find his lover.
    Instead, Myles saw Philips’ second pulling a gun on George, whose own pistol still smoked. There was no other explanation. George must have shot Philips for turning early. The earl was defenseless. Myles couldn’t let anything happen to George!
    Holding back his emotions, he pointed his gun. His life was one thing. George’s was not something Myles could risk. He aimed and hit Philips’ second dead in the chest, sending the second’s shot wildly off target. George’s would-be murderer fell as the blood bubbled from his chest.
    George cursed and grabbed his shoulder.
    Myles stared for a second but his lover stood straight and there was little blood.
    “I’m all right.”
    With George safe, Myles checked Philips’ body lying on the ground. His gun was the only one still loaded. Myles kicked it out of the wounded man’s hand.
    The coward was flat on his back wheezing his final breaths. Myles realized his opponent had indeed turned early and was ready to commit murder. No honor. Just more proof that Philips was

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