Alphabetical Orders

Alphabetical Orders by Amelie Page A

Book: Alphabetical Orders by Amelie Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amelie
Tags: Erótica, Sex, FF, mf
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inside me. I remember the gasp that came out of my mouth. I was so wet down there his finger was able to get deep without him even trying.
    I pulled open the buttons of his shirt. He wasn’t anything special, but I didn’t care. I leaned in and gave his nipple a bite. I don’t know if he liked it or not, he never said, but his cock turned hard as iron when I reached down to find him.
    I did the condom thing this time. I ripped the packet carefully with my teeth and got the taste of rubber in my mouth. Then I pulled out the condom and reached down to find his shaft. I pinched the end just like we’d been shown in school. I’d done it so many times at home on bananas that I could have managed it without looking.
    He had my panties down round my ankles and I rolled over onto my back and waited for him.
    He was over me like a rash.
    I felt him push inside.
    I wasn’t to know, but he wasn’t well-endowed. Still, he was plenty big enough for me that first time.
    I didn’t think it was as bad as some of the girls had told me. In fact, I was just starting to have a real good time when his body jerked and it was all over.
    He smoked a cigarette when we were done. He told me a few stories, but he never laid another hand on me that night.
    When I think of it, I always go to the moment when he lies on me. The second before he’s inside and my heart’s beating like a train. That’s the bit I like to remember. The part that turns me on.

C is for Call the Midwife
    I got into this series on the TV. It’s terrific. It’s even got me thinking about having children. Seriously.
    When I told Simon he almost choked to death.
    He’s never wanted children. That was part of the deal when we got married. To him the world’s all about money. He dresses up in his suit every day. He leaves for the bank before I’m awake and comes back for dinner. He likes everything clean and tidy and in its place.
    ‘Work hard, play hard,’ is his motto. What he really means by that is that he gets to play golf all weekend and has a pool in the yard and only drinks the finest wines. Having a baby would only mess that up.
    And he says he likes me the way I am. Lithe and tight. Not a stretchmark to be seen.
    I’m something he can carry on his arm when he takes me out so that he can show me off at the club or at parties or when we’re at the beach. I guess I can understand that. I’m comfortable with my figure the way it is, too.
    “You’ve got to be kidding, right” he managed to say after a glass of water and a little sit down. “Is this just because of that serial of yours? I’ll tell you what. We’ll watch something later that will change your mind. We’ll give it a go and talk about it then.”
    I didn’t think he meant it, but he did. He came down at 9 o’clock and took the remote control. He flicked channels and up came the titles for One Born Every Minute.
    I’d seen the ads for the show. All that panting and screaming always put me off, so I never tuned in. Now I had to sit through it so that Simon could remind me why we won’t be having children.
    There were two couples. One of the mothers-to-be was only just eighteen. She was gorgeous, sitting there in her hospital gown and making jokes about everything. The other was an older mother. It was her third child only for this one they were worried about the birth on account of her age.
    The thing is I got quite into it. Even when the birthing started.
    The young one was a hippy. She didn’t want any meds or anything. She just let her boyfriend suck on the gas and air. He was a stick of a lad who looked like he needed it. That, a good steak and a couple of days in the sun.
    She knelt up on the bed and pushed her hands against the wall while she panted and moaned. It was awesome watching her. She took off her gown when she got too hot. All she had on was this skimpy vest that clung to her full breasts and finished at the top of her bump. When the baby popped, I almost cried. They put

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