Almost Ordinary (The Song Wreckers Book 2)

Almost Ordinary (The Song Wreckers Book 2) by Crystal Firsdon Page B

Book: Almost Ordinary (The Song Wreckers Book 2) by Crystal Firsdon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal Firsdon
didn’t think it would ever come out.
    Caleb seemed to understand. Either that or 3D kept him so busy he didn’t have the mental energy to fight me on it. Plus Cooper informed me a few days ago that he’d be returning to work soon. I told him he wasn’t quite ready, but hey, what did I know? According to Cooper, he knew what he could handle, not me.
    Cooper wouldn’t need a caregiver so often, or maybe at all. That would ease some of Caleb’s stress, and no doubt Cooper itched to have me out of his hair. Caleb might not have taken issue with me over Cooper yet, but my caring for Cooper was bound to cause tension between the two of us.
    Which was why Katie’s bachelorette party couldn’t have come at a more perfect time. At first I dreaded it. As Katie’s maid of honor it was my duty to plan her bachelorette party. She didn’t trust me to do it right, though, so she planned every last detail and I paid for it. And to be honest, I preferred it that way.
    Instead of going to a strip club, she rented a hall where the food and booze would flow. She hired a woman to hold one of those sex toy parties. Embarrassment burned my face when I thought about sex toys. Maybe I’d picture them as something else instead. Like shoes. Yeah, instead of a sex toy, I’d see a pair of shoes.
    I didn’t tell Caleb the bachelorette party was a sex toy party until the day of because I knew he’d tease me about it. He laughed his ass off when I finally did tell him, just like I’d predicted. I would rather die than let someone see me anywhere near those things, and he knew this. Believe me, I wasn’t uptight in the bedroom. But no way did I want anyone other than my husband knowing what I did in there.
    All day until I left he made comments about the party. I tried to be casual and failed. My face burned whenever he spoke.
    “Should I run to the ATM and grab you some extra cash?”
    To which I replied, “Shut up.”
    Then, “Should I stock up on batteries while you’re gone?”
    To which I replied, “Caleb, shut up!”
    His next dumbass comment was, “I’ve never tasted edible underwear. Might be good.”
    To which I told him, “I swear to God I’m not going to even look at anything, much less buy anything.”
    And as I was about to leave, he said, “Take lots of pictures and come home with something good.” Then a smack on my ass.
    I rolled my eyes and threw my hands up in the air, then let them flop down. It was pointless to say anything more at that point. I should’ve told him we were going to a strip club and that I’d drain our bank account by sticking lots of bills in lots of G-strings.
    Although I had a few drinks since I’d weaned the boys, they were weak mixed drinks, and I didn’t drink more than a small glass at a time. Just a little bit helped me relax, and I’ve been off alcohol for so long my tolerance was low. Like, to the floor low. I was no prude, but casually discussing sex toys while sober embarrassed the hell out of me. And I wasn’t responsible for anyone except myself tonight, and wasn’t driving home. Each drink lifted a small weight off my shoulders and lowered my inhibitions. Pretty soon I felt like I’d graduated from Caleb’s princess to a mother fucking queen, waving around sex toys and weighing the pros and cons of each.
    I stumbled home off the party bus trashed out of my mind with two bags full of stuff.
    I punched in the garage code, which proved difficult since I saw a few of every number, tripped over a garbage can, and felt my way to the door.
    Somehow I made it to our bedroom. I tried to act sober. Almost falling over and crashing into the dresser as soon as I entered must’ve given me away. I managed to change into a clean T-shirt, then fell against the door leading into the master bath and it crashed against the wall.
    Caleb sat up in bed. “Jesus, you okay?”
    “Tooootally fine. Totally. Doing great. Shit!” I ran into the corner of the bed, dropped the bags, and fell on my

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