
Allegiance by K. A. Tucker Page A

Book: Allegiance by K. A. Tucker Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. A. Tucker
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what came over me.” Amelie sheepishly looked to the ground.
    Caden wasn’t having any of it, though. “You know damn well what came over you. You need to remember before you go all Jekyll and Hyde on us again.”
    She nodded and then turned to look at Julian. “Sorry. Sometimes I get jealous. I don’t do jealous well.”
    “You don’t say.” Julian scratched the back of his head. I thought I caught a hint of a flattered smile but I couldn’t be too sure.
    Amelie giggled and leaned her body into his. “Yeah, especially if I’m into the guy. I turn into a crazy chick!” She waved her hands around in the air and shook her head.
    “Yeah, but you’re my crazy chick,” he said, his brown eyes twinkling with delight, his hand moving to cup her chin and pull her close. Her springy ash blond curls swayed as he tilted her head back to lay a soft kiss on her lips. I groaned in displeasure before I could stop myself. I felt like I was waving goodbye to the passengers of the Titanic as it sailed away, all the while knowing what the trip had in store.
    “Julian?” I asked, eager to interrupt their intimate exchange. No answer. No gesture. It was like I wasn’t even there. “Julian!” I barked, a touch harsher than perhaps was necessary.
    His head snapped over at me, startled, the cheesy love fog disappearing immediately. “Hey, Evie,” he offered, rubbing the back of his head again.
    I glared at him, shooting what are you doing? daggers with my eyes.
    He responded with a shrug and pleading look, comprehending my disapproval, clear as day. “How are you feeling?” I forced out. I was trying to be civil but couldn’t deny the sparks of anger.
    Amelie answered for him. “Don’t worry. He was so tired, he couldn’t see straight!”
    “That’s not what I meant …” I smirked. “Are you feeling different today? Like … from the Tribe’s magic?”
    He frowned. “No, I don’t think so.”
    “Caden, are his thoughts getting murkier, like mine?” I asked, though keeping my focus on Julian. When Caden didn’t answer, I turned to repeat my question and found him staring at me, his expression flat, anger heating his gaze. “Is he murkier?” I repeated warily.
    Caden gave a noncommittal shrug and shook his head.
    “Okay. Maybe he’ll be okay.”
    “Just you what?” Julian asked, his brow furrowed with worry. He dropped Amelie’s hands and moved forward to grab my arm, his dark good looks now marred with concern. “What’s wrong, Evie?”
    “Oh …” I began but my voice drifted off. Remember those hideous Tribe creatures that scared the daylights out of us, Julian? Well … guess what I’m going to be next Halloween … and every other day for the rest of my life …
    Before I could answer, my body was yanked back and out of Julian’s reach, strong arms wrapping possessively around my chest. “Nothing. She’s fine,” Caden said, a dangerous edge in his tone. “Or she will be.” I looked up to find him staring at Julian with clenched teeth. What was going on with him?
    Loud voices in the hallway broke up the awkward situation. We all ran out to see what the commotion was. We found Sofie and Mage squared off against Viggo and Mortimer, Viggo’s face a shade lighter than his normal pale, and Mortimer’s brow halfway up his forehead.
    “Where did they come from?” Mortimer exclaimed with incredulity.
    “What do you mean?” Sofie answered, clearly amused.
    Viggo issued a low, feral sound. “I mean … I killed the last of them and yet seven are standing on our doorstep! That’s what I mean!” A mixture of outrage and shock swirled around Viggo—such a rare sight to see.
    It suddenly clicked. The werewolves had arrived.
    “Yes, you did! And, boy, they haven’t forgotten about you,” Sofie teased. My heart skipped a beat as I watched her. We had enough problems. Taunting a psychopath wouldn’t end well. What was more, I still didn’t believe that some allegiance to Sofie would stop Viggo

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