All We See & Seem (Timber Wolves)

All We See & Seem (Timber Wolves) by Tammy Blackwell Page A

Book: All We See & Seem (Timber Wolves) by Tammy Blackwell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tammy Blackwell
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I are going to be having an ungodly amount of sex someday.” He sent a couple of X-rated images her way to reassure her. The way she flushed and wouldn’t look him in the eye afterward was all he needed to stay on track. “But our first time isn’t going to be at three in the morning on a twin-sized bed that sags on one side.” She was still studying the pattern on his comforter, so he put a finger under her chin and lifted her head until she was looking at him. “You’re not just another girl to me, Talley. I wasn’t lying before. This is it for me. I want to be the one helping you pick out denture cream someday. And I don’t want to spend the next eighty years regretting that I didn’t make our first time special.”
    She kissed him again. It was just a little peck, but it was the best kiss of his entire life. “I love you,” she said against his lips.
    “You do?” Sometimes life wasn’t fair. Sometimes you had to give up the basketball scholarship you had been working towards your whole life. Sometimes you had to wage impossible wars. And sometimes a girl who was way too good to so much as look in your direction fell in love with you.
    Jase decided he might not punch life in the throat after all.
    “Do you think I would throw myself at someone I don’t love?” She was more exasperated than offended. Jase wasn't quite sure how he knew that, but he did. It was like the Talley Power was working in reverse.
    “You never know,” he teased, feeling lighter than he had in months, if not years. “I am pretty irresistible. It wouldn’t be the first time a random girl tried to rip my clothes off.”
    She fisted her hand in his shirt and he thought she might be considering doing some literal clothes ripping. “This better be the last time you almost let her,” she said, using her grip on his shirt to bring his face closer to hers.
    “I don’t know,” he said, stealing a kiss before continuing. “There is this one girl…”
    “Oh really?”
    “Yeah, she’s this complete wild child. She even broke into an all boys dorm in the middle of the night one time just to try to seduce me. She might be hard to resist.”
    Her eyes were focused on his lips. “Really? How hard?”
    “Nearly impossible.” He traced her bottom lip with his thumb. Two could play at this lip-obsession game.
    “What are you going to do about her?”
    “Current plan is to kiss her until she passes out and can’t take advantage of me.”
    “Hmmmm…” Her lips brushed against his. “I like this plan.”
    There was no more talking after that. And even though he had to keep one leg braced on the floor to keep from rolling off the bed, he decided he wasn’t ever falling asleep without Talley by his side again.

    Chapter 10
    It took Talley some time to realize the sound she was hearing was a knock on the door. Jase had been a man of his word and kissed her until she was so blissfully exhausted she’d drifted off to sleep snuggled into his side, his lips still trailing kisses over her closed eyes. It was so perfect and loving, she might not have believed it if Jase wasn’t still projecting, even in his sleep. He loved her. Like really, truly loved her. Maybe even as much as she loved him.
    Talley had expected her first kiss to be clumsy and embarrassing. Even in her fantasies where anything could happen, she’d imagined awkward angles, giggles, and furious blushes. She’d never dreamt that she would turn into some sort of wanton aggressor, crawling all over the guy, desperate to have more of him.
    It’s amazing what the confidence that comes from knowing you’re truly loved and wanted can do to a person.
    “Does everyone have their clothes on?” Joshua asked, pushing his head through the door. Apparently, he thought there was a real possibility they didn’t since his eyes were closed. Despite everything that had happened between her and Jase last night, Talley wasn’t quite sure what had led Joshua to that belief.

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