All Hallow's Eve

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Book: All Hallow's Eve by Wendi Sotis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendi Sotis
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quietly voice his misgivings, but Lady Lucas simply nodded toward where Bingley’s party was sitting and raised her eyebrows at her husband. He dutifully stepped aside and motioned to his family to file in.
    Noticing the volume of the murmuring had increased once again, Bingley turned around. Seeing the seats empty and the assemblage standing at the back of the room, he leaned toward Caroline. “ What seems to be the problem? ”
    It was obvious that Caroline meant to whisper, but she seemed to have trouble modulating the volume of her voice. “ You are their problem, Brother. ”
    “ Me? How... ”
    “ Honestly, Charles, have you n ever noticed? The honour of sitting in the front row always goes to the most prominent families in the area ! They were waiting to see if you were going to move our party to the front row , but now the Lucas family has taken it! You hav e embarrassed me beyond measure and have dis honour ed our guests by placing us here ! Forcing Lord Reginald —a viscount!— Colonel Fitzwilliam , and Mr. Darcy to sit in the second row behind ... ” As Caroline gestured toward the Bennet family, Louisa grabbed hold of Caroline’s arm to stop her sister from continuing. Caroline huffed. “ Really, Charles! ”
    William had a “ coughing fit ” when he saw Elizabeth’s hand move to hold her handkerchief to her mouth to cover her smile . H er shoulders quake d quite vigorously in her amusement.
    Bingley made a mental note to himself to apologize to the remainder of his party later in the day.
    Now that the Lucas family was seated, the balance of the neighbour hood could find their places as well. The innkeeper delayed only until all were seated to introduce the performer.

Chapter 5
    November 5 , 1811
    As she and William walked across the meadow the next morning after gathering their practice swords , Elizabeth said, “ Jane and I had long ago devised a way of practicing the patterns of combat, combining T ribal techniques with those of my father. Since you have learned many of them already and do so well learning by imitation, I think that you might do well with this . I can use it to teach you some skills that you have not already acquired , as well as it s being practice for us both. We will move much more slowly than Jane and I usually do. As I progress to the next movement, you will imitate my previous one, or at least make the attempt if it is something that you have not yet seen. Since Jane and I are quite accustomed with the entire arrangement, we repeat it several times, moving a little faster with each repetition. You and I can do the same, though first you must gain knowledge of them all . Perhaps I should go through the sequence alone so that you may become familiar with it ? ”
    William nodded. As she went through the arrangement, he could not but reflect that it seemed almost a dance . She was so incredibly beautiful, how could he not memorize her every movement? Alt hough he had never had the inclination to dance before this moment , he certainly would not refuse an invitation to imitate her movements now for it meant he could be much nearer to her, which is something he desired at all times .
    When Elizabeth ended the arrangement , he stepped closer , and she began again. One movement flowed into the next, alternating offensive and defensive patterns ; the entire cycle made sense to him , as if he had been born know ing this sequence . Upon the second repetition, William was so comfortable that his eyes never left hers, and the two were lost within the other’s gaze.
    He was doing so well that Elizabeth increased the speed of the progression with each successive recurrence . A t some point, he did not anticipate her movements c o m ing as rapidly as she made them . Even such a slight delay caused his sword to be in the wrong place as she stepped toward him, and Elizabeth stumble d . Both were quick to drop t h eir weapon s lest they injure the other , and William reach ed out to

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