All for You
    She reached for him then, her fingers curling over his. His skin heated where she touched him. “Reza,” she whispered.
    He was tempted, so tempted to turn his palm beneath hers. To capture her fingers and see just how far she wanted to take this thing between them.
    He met her gaze, offering her a wry grin. “You don’t want to go crawling around inside my head, doc.”
    Her throat moved when she swallowed. “Maybe I just want to get to know you a little better.”
    It was his turn to swallow. His mouth went dry. So he hadn’t been misreading things.
    There was something there, something shimmering and new and filled with brilliant promise between them. It was so bright it fucking blinded him.
    Once more, he tried to do the honorable thing and pull away. Because he hurt everyone he cared about.
    It was how he was wired. Hadn’t his dad beat that message into him?
    “That’s probably not a good idea,” he said. His voice grated against his ears but even as he spoke, he knew it for a lie. Something as simple as her touch woke a dark and twisting need inside him.
    Made him crave more.
    She was close. Close enough that he could lean forward if he wanted. Brush his lips against hers and see if her mouth was as soft as it looked. He wanted to nibble on her bottom lip and feel her skin beneath his fingertips as he kissed her.
    He needed to focus. They were going to the range today and he couldn’t be thinking about her like this if he was trying to teach her how to shoot. “Where’s your IFAK?”
    Emily frowned. Reza almost laughed at the expression on her face. She was priceless. “My what?”
    He kept forgetting she didn’t speak the language. “Your first aid kit. Where is it?”
    He pulled his thoughts back from the brink of inappropriate as she leaned forward on her knees. “Do you have any idea what you’re looking for?” he asked, his voice rough.
    She looked back over her shoulder and Reza’s entire body tightened. She had no fucking idea how sexy she was at that moment, army uniform and all.
    She knelt in front of him, pushing up on her knees with a frustrated sound. “I have no idea.”
    His gaze dropped to her lips, parted in frustration. She was there, just there.
    And Reza surrendered to the temptation. He leaned in. Slowly, so that she could back away if she wanted to. Slowly, so as not to frighten her off.
    Slowly, until his top lip brushed hers. A gentle nudge. A hesitant question.
    And her soft, yielding answer as her bottom lip opened, just a little, just enough as she leaned in, opening to his touch.
    He’d done stupid things in his life before and he would do stupid things again. Of that much he was certain.
    But his brain didn’t register the movement as stupid.
    It was like waking up from a long sleep. Warmth spread inside him as he traced her lips with his tongue before sliding against hers. Pleasure spiked through him when she leaned in, bracing one hand against the body armor covering his chest.
    He wanted to lock her door and lay her down on that pile of gear and strip her naked and learn everything that she liked.
    But they were at work and at any moment, someone could walk by her office.
    Officers and enlisted weren’t supposed to get involved and Reza damn sure wasn’t about to ruin her life with a single moment of indiscretion.
    He eased back, swiping his thumb over her bottom lip before putting more space between them.
    “Was that an IFAK?” she whispered, her eyes sparkling.
    Grinning, he shook his head. “Not exactly,” he said. She was going to mess up her hair in the field today. He wondered if she knew that.
    He had the sudden idea that she might not care. She came across so proper but there was a wildness in his little captain.
    A wildness he’d gotten a tiny taste of just then.
    A wildness that he wanted to taste again.
    He laughed then because he needed to do something to subdue the arousal wafting through his blood like a hit of the purest alcohol.

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