Alcandian Soul
he moved up towards her bare breasts. A hard chest pressed against her back as Cole joined their embrace. She caught his scent and the two combined in her senses, making her dizzy with the rapture. It was so complete, she willingly let herself drown in it.
    “Amazing, isn’t it, Cassandra?” Cole leaned over her neck as his hands closed around each of her hips. There was something ultra-intimate about the way he grasped her hips—it was a prelude to mating. His hold on her lower body, placing her at his command. A shiver shook her body as Dyne’s hands cupped her breasts.
    “I’m just as shocked as you are. Did you know that?” Cole leaned closer to her ear before he gently bit the lobe. Dyne’s thumbs rubbed over the hard points of her nipples and she shuddered as pleasure raced down to her clit. Never once had she noticed just how good a man’s hands could feel on her breasts. Cassandra opened her eyes and looked at Dyne. She suddenly understood exactly why his touch sent pleasure coursing through her.
    He wasn’t groping her. The warrior knelt in front of her and the look on his face was one of complete enjoyment. He wasn’t rushing her through the petting stage so that he could get to the fucking. Cole’s hands on her hips smoothed and massaged, only moving slightly over her belly before he returned to his starting point.
    The reason was simple. They were seducing her. Never once had she felt as valued as she did right there between them. They weren’t trying to lay her, they were attempting to make love with her.
    Cole’s lips grazed her neck and she lifted her chin to stretch out the column of her throat for him. A soft chuckle shook his chest as he began to lay a trail of light kisses along the sensitive skin. All of her nerve endings were alive and begging for their moment beneath his lips. Dyne leaned forward and gently licked one of her nipples. She shuddered harshly and Cole smoothed her back into place with his hold on her hips. Dyne growled softly around her nipple as his tongue flicked over it.
    All of her well-thought-out protests evaporated. There was no need to talk, only to feel. Sensation rose around her and her lovers as her hands stroked Dyne’s shoulders. The warrior muttered an approval as he moved to her opposite breast and licked the hard nipple waiting its turn. Cassandra trailed her fingers over the wide shoulders in front of her as Cole moved his hand lower across her belly. He teased the hair covering her mons as he gently bit her neck. The little bite stung, but the tiny pain increased the level of intensity. She wanted more of their strength.
    A mutter of delight escaped her lips and Cole felt his brain flood with need. He wanted to draw more of the same little sounds from her lips, until she didn’t care what anyone thought and just screamed out her pleasure. It was a blunt craving, one fueled by the male-dominated culture on Alcandar. There was an unspoken respect for the warriors who managed to make their mates heard. But it was more intense than that. What truly drove the desire was the fact that Cassandra couldn’t continue her struggle once he’d proven just how much her body enjoyed his touch. He moved a hand over her belly and right into her slit. She shivered against his hold but her hips gave a small jerk towards his touch.
    “We promised to introduce you to Alcandian things you’d enjoy, didn’t we, Cassandra?”
    Her eyes flew open as Cole’s voice hit her. It was full of a dark promise and Dyne released her nipple in response. Dyne looked up at her face as Cole gently fingered her clit. Pleasure shot up her passage as her hips bucked towards that single point of contact, needing more pressure. Panic tried to claim her attention as she felt the unmistakable tightening of an approaching climax. Dyne cupped her chin and forced her gaze to connect with his as Cole began to rub her clit harder. She licked her lower lip as her panting breath dried out the sensitive

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