Against All Odds

Against All Odds by Natale Ghent Page A

Book: Against All Odds by Natale Ghent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Natale Ghent
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his lap, nestling in.
    “Perfect,” Boney said. “Now all we need is an action plan.” He turned to Sam. “You seem to know more about this than any of us. What would you suggest?”
    Sam held Fluffy up to her face as the kitten purred loudly. “I think we should go back to the warehouse in the woods and try to find the Mother Ship. Once we accomplish that, we can find out who we’re dealing with and what exactly it is that they want.”
    “Affirmative,” Squeak said.
    “Then what?” Boney asked.
    Sam thought about it for a moment. “I guess we have no choice but to play it by ear. We really don’t know what we’re up against at this point.”
    Itchy slumped in his chair. “Oh great. We’re doomed.”
    “We’re not doomed,” Sam said. “I have the Disruptor. And we have Henry and the kittens.”
    Squeak adjusted his goggles. “They should prove valuable.”
    “Definitely,” Boney agreed. He was just about to elaborate when his aunt called out the kitchen window. “Boneeey! Suppertime!”
    Boney groaned. “Gotta go, guys. But we can meet up after supper. I’ll call you on the Tele-tube.”
    “What’s the Tele-tube?” Sam asked.
    “It’s a primitive form of communication,” Squeak answered.
    “But it works,” Boney said. “We speak to each other through plastic tubes so our parents won’t hear us.”
    Sam tossed her hair. “That’s interesting.”
    “Boneeey!” his aunt called again.
    Boney rolled his eyes. “Okay, I’ve really got to go before my aunt comes out here. Just in case, let’s plan to meet in the clubhouse tomorrow morning at eight—sharp.”
    Squeak saluted. “In full regalia?”
    Boney saluted back. “Full regalia. And if anybody seesor hears anything out of the ordinary before then, transmit over the Tele-tube. Sam, you can’t do that, obviously, so we’ll just have to wait for your report when we meet next.”
    “Unless it’s urgent,” Squeak said. “Then you could just throw a rock at my bedroom window … or something.”
    “Right,” Boney said.
    Itchy sniffed. “Do you think it’s safe for Henry to stay in the clubhouse alone?”
    “He’ll be fine,” Boney assured him.
    “But what if the clones come to get him?”
    Boney raised one of Henry’s legs, showing off his long rooster spurs. “I don’t think those clones will be coming back here anytime soon. Henry gave that last one quite the scare.”
    “It’s true,” Sam said. “That clone practically flew down the ladder with Henry on its back.”
    Itchy smiled half-heartedly. He pulled some cornmeal from his pocket and scattered it for Henry on the clubhouse floor. “I guess he should be okay.”
    “William Boneham!” Boney’s aunt shrieked. “Supper is ready!”
    Squeak patted Boney on the shoulder. “Good luck with the kitten.” He placed Spock in his messenger bag and slipped down the fire pole in Escape Hatch #2.
    “Talk to you later,” Sam said, clutching her kitten and following Squeak down the pole.
    Itchy just waved his hanky and zipped down the pole with the empty kitten basket. Boney streaked after him, Tiger tucked under one arm.

    B oney spied through the kitchen window before entering the house. His uncle was sitting at the table, reading the paper, a big hole in the front page where Boney had ripped out the picture of the Itchy clone. His aunt was fussing about, rattling some pans on the stove. Boney gazed at the kitten purring in his arms. He knew his uncle would let him keep the pet, but his aunt was another story. She wouldn’t allow the kitten to stay unless he came up with a very good reason, which he didn’t have the energy to do at the moment.
    “I’ll just hide you for the time being,” Boney said, tucking the kitten under his T-shirt and folding his hands casually across the resulting bump on his stomach. He turned the knob on the door, and then refolded his hands over the bump as he stepped into the house.
    “It’s about

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