After The One (The One Series Duet)
under my breath as I turned around. My ass looked fantastic in the leather pants. “But damn.”
    Over the last seven days of my vacation, I’d made a point to wear my most formfitting outfits. Julian and I went out and did something new and different to make up for the time he was on tour and each night, I was in something clingy. The reality was that I knew I would likely never fit into most of the items again.
    I ran my hand down my sides and took a step back, smiling at my appearance. From my burgundy, peep-toe booties to my hair, which was smoothed and pinned into a bun in the center of my head, I was pleased.
    “You look beautiful,” Julian commented from the doorway.
    I looked over at him as I put in white gold earrings that dangled, highlighting my exposed neck. “Thank you. I’m sorry for taking so long. I’m ready now.” I smiled at him as I walked in his direction.
    He slipped into the room, closing the door behind him. As soon as I was close, Julian put his hands around my neck. Leaning his face down to mine, our lips were just millimeters apart.
    I inhaled, breathing him in. He always smelled so good, clean with an earthy undertone.
    “Hi.” The word was small but the effect his voice had on me was big.
    I wanted to kiss him so badly I could almost taste the amaretto on his lips. “Hi,” I breathed, sliding my hands inside of the fitted suit jacket he wore.
    His lips brushed mine softly, gently. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to succumb to the warmth of his body and the fire in his touch. His hands tightened around my neck slightly as he moaned into my mouth. I squeezed my thighs together in an attempt to relieve the tension he’d just created.
    He pulled out of the kiss and my eyes fluttered open.
    We stared at each other, motionless. My lips tingled and my eyes dropped down to his lips.
    “I came upstairs to see if you were okay,” Julian informed me with a hint of concern as he searched my face. “You were taking a long time.”
    “I’m sorry. I was distracted on the computer and then with the realization that this will probably be the last time I wear these pants. I wanted to bask in the glory. Because I mean, come on…” I stepped out of his arms to turn around.
    “Damn,” he swore quietly.
    I peeked over my shoulder and his eyes were glued to my ass as I moved it from side to side seductively. “You like?”
    Julian grabbed my arm and spun me back around. He put my hand over the dark denim bulge in the front of his pants and I inhaled sharply.
    “I don’t like. I love,” he growled as my fingers gripped him and maneuvered over his thickness.
    As seconds passed, my heart raced and my chest heaved. He had me pinned with his eyes as he moved my hand up and down over the growing bulge. I was tempted to drop to my knees and wrap my mouth around his dick, but the sound of my phone going off inside my clutch gave me pause.
    Once everyone gets here, we have to leave and Lenny is always late so that’s probably a text from her telling me she’s on her way. Hmmm… maybe there’s time.
    “What time will everyone be here?” I asked, unzipping his jeans slowly and snaking my hand inside. Only the thin cotton of his boxer briefs separated me from what I really wanted.
    Julian wrapped one hand around my neck and ran the fingers of his other hand across my collarbone, giving me chills. “Everyone’s here, but they can wait twenty more minutes,” he whispered sexily before he leaned in for a kiss.
    I dodged his parted lips and my overeager hand froze mid-stroke. “Everyone’s here?”
    “Yeah, but you don’t have to stop.” His fingertips came in contact with my hard nipples before he palmed my heavy breasts. “They can wait.”
    He tried to kiss me again and I swatted him away as I removed my hand from his pants and reached for the doorknob. “Julian! I didn’t know everyone was here already!”
    He chuckled from deep in his belly at my panic and even though I wanted to narrow

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