After School Activities
she thought I was about to undo
    all her hard work dragging me out in the first place.
    Mel closed the book and turned the chair to face me. “Good. Now
    Dirk Hunter

    I avoided her eyes. “About what?” I asked with exaggerated
    “Fine. Be that way. I’ll just have to make a few guesses about what
    has been going on lately.” Yeah, right. Like she could possibly…. “First,
    you and Malachi have been getting sexy, to some degree or other, until
    about three weeks ago when I’m going to say it was you who called it off.
    Possibly because Adam found out and got jealous. How am I doing so
    far?” Okay, what was it about me that everyone could apparently see
    completely through? Do I have any secrets at all? Am I actually an open
    book for anyone to read at their leisure?
    “I take it from the look on your face I was pretty close. So let’s see,
    you stopped talking to me because you’re an idiot, you’ve been trying to
    get Adam to talk to you at school ’cause, again, you’re an idiot, and went
    ahead and got yourself suspended. Like an idiot.”
    “How did you know?”
    Mel muttered “idiot” under her breath. “Dylan, I pay attention. I
    know you only got into drama club because you went through an ‘am I
    gay enough’ phase and decided you needed to do a musical, and Malachi
    followed you like the little lost puppy he is. But theater is what I actually want to do with my life. I pay attention to people, how they behave, why
    they behave that way. So when you and Kai started acting like you had
    this giant secret no one could ever find out while simultaneously being
    very careful not to accidentally touch in public, ever, it wasn’t much of a
    mental workout to figure out what was going on. And then there was the
    sudden transformation of Adam, from bully to buddy, not to mention the
    covert looks he kept casting your way when he thought you weren’t
    looking. Plus there was the time—”
    “Okay, okay! I get it!”
    “Good. Now that we’ve established that you can’t hide anything
    from me, ever, why don’t you actually tell me what’s been going on? At
    the very least you’ll feel better.”
    “I don’t know about that.”
    “Yeah, ’cause keeping it in has been working so well.”
    I sighed. She was right, of course. “Okay, fine. So, um, remember
    that day I got punched in the face?” She nodded. “Well, that’s when Adam
    After School Activities

    and I started to be… well, friends, I guess. Which made Kai all kinds of
    I recounted the entire story, right up to my brief interaction with
    Adam before I got suspended. Mel listened quietly to the whole story,
    occasionally asking a question or two. I told her everything. Well,
    maybe I glossed over a little bit of the sexy-time details, but that didn’t
    seem entirely appropriate. When I finally finished, over an hour later,
    she sat there silently for a minute, absorbing.
    “So, what are you going to do?” she finally asked.
    “What can I do? I mean, I can’t talk to him. It’s still too weird. I
    know he’s my best friend, but that’s exactly why I have to….”
    “Malachi’s fine where he is. He knows you need space. I meant
    about Adam.”
    “Oh.” I bit my lip, thinking. “I don’t know. He wouldn’t even talk to
    me.” “Did you apologize?”
    “Of course I… wait, no. I just said that he didn’t understand.”
    Suddenly I got really angry. “And why should I apologize? It’s not
    like I did anything wrong! Kai and I had been fooling around for
    weeks before Adam snuck into my bedroom. What’s more, Adam has
    spent his whole life trying to make mine miserable. Am I supposed to
    just magically forgive him for all of that, be whatever it is he wants
    me to be? Fuck that. All we did was fool around one night. What did
    he want, to be my boyfriend? No, he wanted me to be his secret fling,
    to use at his leisure. So why should I apologize? It’s not like

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