Adrian's Wrath

Adrian's Wrath by Jenika Snow Page B

Book: Adrian's Wrath by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
Tags: Romance
Brea lifted her head and saw the foil packet in Adrian’s hand. He looked at her like he was starving for her. Although she had never done something that seemed so sensual, she definitely wanted to. Taking it from him, she tore it open and sat up. When she looked down at the thick, long flesh lying against his rippled abdomen, past his belly button, her mouth went dry. He had been inside of her. His impressive cock had been buried in her body, filling her, stretching her. She wanted that again.
    Adrian gripped his shaft and held it for her. When she rolled the latex over his big penis, his body tensed and his breathing became fast and uneven. “I can’t take any more, pretty girl. I need to be in you. Take my cock and feed it inside of you.” His voice was so low, so rough that it had her vagina clenching, hard. This is me taking control.
    She wrapped her hand around his erection, her heart beating fast when her thumb and middle finger couldn’t touch. Rising up, she placed the tip at the entrance of her body and started to lower herself. Adrian’s expression was almost pained as he watched her through slitted lids. She could feel her body stretching to accommodate his girth and couldn’t help biting her lip to stop from moaning.
    “Don’t hold it in. Don’t. I want to hear you so fucking bad.” Her body met his as she sank completely down on him. Their mutual groan filled the room. The feeling was intense and all encompassing. She placed her hands on his chest, bracing herself as she rose above him, his shaft sliding through her folds and causing the most torturous of pleasures.
    The feel of his hands on her hips, gripping the flesh so tightly she felt completely possessed by him, had her growing bolder. When she slid back down his length she pressed her body harder against his, causing the very tip of him to hit the back of her. They both gasped at the feeling of him bottoming out in her. As if she couldn’t bear to hold her eyes open any longer, Brea let them close and started rising and falling on his stiff cock. She was so wet, so incredibly soaked that there was no resistance as he slid in and out of her.
    “Yes, that’s it, baby. Take all of me.” Neck straining as he tilted his head back, Adrian looked like a man about to lose control. She wanted to be that woman that caused such a virile and powerful man to lose it.
    Moving up and down on him harder and faster, she felt her clit hit the root of his shaft with every downstroke, felt herself climbing the ladder of arousal as everything around her started to turn black with her impending orgasm. “Oh…God…Yes.” The force of her climax had her slamming her pussy along his cock, riding out the storm that was crashing inside of her. She was vaguely aware of the grunts and growls emitting from Adrian, felt his fingers dig into her flesh harder, and then felt his shaft swell and lengthen inside of her with his own orgasm.
    “Jesus, Brea!” His roar of completion rocked through the room, crashed through her, and had another orgasm churning within her. It was intense, just like him, just like the way he made her feel. His hips lifted, meeting her downstrokes until she couldn’t take it anymore, couldn’t stand his dick rubbing along her oversensitized flesh.
    “Fuck. I can feel your pussy clenching me, baby.” She forced her eyes open, stared down at the face of a man that had pushed every insecurity, every fear, every worry that had built inside of her, still making her a slave to Cameron, away.
    The strength to hold herself up was lost and she collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily, feeling the rise and fall of his chest against her own. Neither of them spoke, and the silence was comforting. The hands that were gripping her hips slid along her sides and moved higher. It took her a moment to realize he was sliding his hands up and down her back and everything around her came crashing down around her. The post-euphoric feeling that she had just

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