
ADifferentKindOfCosplay by Lucy Felthouse Page A

Book: ADifferentKindOfCosplay by Lucy Felthouse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucy Felthouse
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enjoying the entire thing. Reese would be
pleased when the next film came out at the cinema and he offered to go along
with her.
    He’d keep his newfound admiration quiet for now, though. He
didn’t want to arouse her suspicions, although she was bound to know he was
planning something for her milestone birthday.
    The question remained—what the hell could he do or buy to
blow her away?
    A few days later, Reese herself provided him with
inspiration. They were at the kitchen table, sharing a rare breakfast together.
It was Reese’s day off, but Zach was due in to work soon, to sell houses to
wealthy Londoners.
    “What are your plans for today then, babe?” he asked between
mouthfuls of cereal.
    Chewing and swallowing her own mouthful, she said, without
any kind of malice, “Oh, nothing you’d be interested in.”
    “No?” he prompted.
    “I doubt it.” She smirked. “I’m off to Forbidden Planet to
stock up on some graphic novels. I know I could buy them cheaper online, but I
like that shop. The atmosphere is great—even though as a lone woman, I get some
odd stares—and I just like to go every now and again to check out the latest
stuff.” She spooned more cereal into her mouth, consumed it, then continued,
“Actually, Mum asked me to let her know what I wanted for my birthday, so it’s
a good excuse to go and get some inspiration. I can make a list, if you like.
Then you can pick something off it.”
    “No, no,” he said quickly, waving his spoon at her and
sending a droplet of milk flying, which landed in the middle of the table,
“I’ve got it all under control, thank you.” He smiled, the grin growing wider
at Reese’s look of surprise. A second later, he wanted to kick himself. What
the fuck did you say that for, you idiot? She practically handed you the
perfect gift idea on a silver platter, and you turned it down. Moron!
    “You know,” he continued, still grinning, “that’s one of the
things I love about you. Many women would go to Oxford Street and Regent Street
on their day off, shoe and clothes shopping. But you’re heading off to wherever
it is to go to a geeky shop. You’re a quirky individual, sweetheart, and I love
    Reese raised a brow. “Wow. Where did all that come from?”
    “The compliments, the declarations of love. Or are you being
sarcastic and massively mocking my geek status?”
    “No!” His spoon clanged into his bowl. “Fuck’s sake, no. I
was being genuine—I meant every word. Just take it as it was intended, okay?”
    “Okay,” she replied, still sounding unsure. “Thank you, then.
I love you too.”
    Grabbing his empty bowl, the spoon and his mug, Zach drained
the rest of the tea and put the stuff in the dishwasher. Stepping over to
Reese, he kissed her.
    “See you later, babe. Have a fun time at Forbidden Planet.”
    “I will, thanks. It’s in the West End, by the way.
Shaftesbury Avenue.”
    “Huh?” he said, frowning, pretending he had no idea what she
was talking about, and especially not that he’d said “wherever” in the hope
she’d mention the store’s location.
    “The shop. It’s on Shaftesbury Avenue. The Covent Garden
end. I can go to Candy Cakes too, if you like. Buy a couple of those gorgeous
cupcakes. We can have them after dinner.”
    “That, my darling, is a fabulous idea. You know I’m a sucker
for a cupcake. Especially from that place.”
    “I do. Have a good day. Love you.”
    “Love you.” Grabbing his bag and heading for the door, Zach
finally had some sort of a plan taking shape. He just hoped it would come to
something. Reese’s birthday was creeping steadily closer.

Chapter Two
    Taking a deep breath, Zach headed into the shop, berating
himself for being so nervous about it. It was a shop, not a private club, for
heaven’s sake—he wasn’t about to get thrown out for not being a member. He
didn’t have a sign hanging over his head, proclaiming that he wasn’t a geek and
didn’t know

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