Addicted to You
shoved a mug of beer into his hand.
    “Where’s everyone else?” Will asked,
glancing around the bar. He hadn’t been out with the guys for a
couple weeks, and one of them had caught him after psych the other
day to remind him to come out that weekend.
    “Just me,” Finn muttered into his drink.
    Will shrugged and took a gulp of cold beer.
“Are you drunk already?” he asked.
    “No, but give me another hour.” Finn tossed
back the rest of his beer and then refilled his mug.
    Will gave the nearly empty pitcher a curious
look. “What happened?”
    “I’m a fuck-up, that’s what happened.” He
made to toss back another mugful of beer, but Will put a hand on
his forearm to stop him.
    “Unless you ran over someone’s dog, I’m not
sure I see how you could have screwed up badly enough to need …” He
made a nebulous gesture at Finn’s current near-drunk state. “All
    “Excuse me?”
    Someone tapped Will’s shoulder. At the
interruption, he swiveled around in his bar stool to find a pretty
girl standing before him, tucking ginger curls behind her ear.
    “Hi,” she said, smiling. She had freckles
across the bridge of her nose.
    “Hello,” Will returned.
    He glanced back at Finn, who rolled his eyes
and muttered, “I keep telling you it’s the accent.”
    “I’m Sara,” she said and held out her hand.
“Do you go to REU?”
    He shook her hand to be polite. She really
was quite pretty, and under normal circumstances, he probably would
have been glad to continue talking to her. But Finn had that ‘I’m a
shadow of a man’ look, and Will hadn’t come here to meet
    Besides, there was only one girl he wanted
to be with at the moment.
    “Sara, it’s nice to meet you. And I’m really
quite sorry, but my friend here is having a bit of a night so
    She seemed to take the hint because she put
up her hands, and her cheeks were pink even beneath the yellow bar
lights. “Oh no, it’s okay, I—er, sorry for bugging you.”
    She made a hasty exit back to the booth
where her friends waited, all leaning forward to watch their
exchange. Since they were staring—and now glaring—he gave them an
apologetic smile before turning back to his friend.
    “So tell me what happened,” Will said.
    Finn, meanwhile, had emptied the last of the
pitcher into his mug and was staring into its murky depths like he
was searching for life.
    “Kat hates me.”
    Will waited for him to elaborate. When he
only continued to stare sullenly into his beer, Will shook his
    “All right, but we already knew that. How
does that make you a fuck-up?”
    Finn covered his face and mumbled into his
palm. “Because her boyfriend kissed me.”
    That was, quite possibly, the last thing
he’d expected Finn to say. Will tilted his head and squinted a bit
to try and make out Finn’s expression behind his fingers.
    “Did you just say …”
    “Yes.” Finn rubbed his palm down his face
and gave Will a look that was decidedly bleak. “Her boyfriend
kissed me. I sort of wondered if maybe he was curious because this
one time, he kept staring at me, but I convinced myself it was just
because he knew I wanted his girlfriend. But last night, he—”
    “This happened last night , and you
didn’t tell me?”
    “I’m telling you now. Let me finish.”
    Will waved for him to continue. He
definitely needed to hear how this happened.
    “I was out barhopping with the other
    “On a Tuesday night?”
    “Are you going to let me finish?”
    “Sorry, sorry. Carry on.”
    “Anyway, we ran into Seth—that’s Kat’s
boyfriend—at the fourth bar. I was already kind of drunk, and Andy
was giving me shit about wanting a girl who hated my guts so I was
a little pissed too. So Seth sees us, and he comes over and starts
talking to me like we’re friends or something. And then he asks to
talk to me in private, and I think ‘sure, why the hell not,’ so I
follow him back toward the bathrooms and—” He covered

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