and ran smack into Steve.
    “What the hell are you doing?” Steve frowned at her, handing her a pad of paper and pen. “Come on , man. These women want to get out of here and to their families they haven’t seen in months.”
    Jill felt her face flush and cursed herself again for thinking about screwing the hot-ass vampire behind her rather than helping these poor women. Mad at herself, she jerked the paper and pen out of his hand. Spotting Angelina sitting with another woman, she headed her way.
    “Angelina?” Jill knelt down in front of her , and when Angelina looked over, Jill frowned. “Are you okay?”
    Angelina gave her a sad smile. “I’m okay, but Anne is having a lot of pain.”
    Jill looked over at Anne , knowing without even having to ask, she had just been turned. “Are you having stomach cramps that feel like your insides are on fire?”
    Biting her lip , Anne nodded her head, holding her stomach. “And my head feels real foggy, like I’m in a dream.”
    “This is going to last for a couple of days.” Jill touched her arm in comfort. “I know exactly what you’re going through, and I promise you, after it’s over, you are going to feel like a million bucks.”
    “Really?” The young woman’s face brightened, but then saddened. “I’ve got a six-year-old son. Am I going to be able to go near him again?”
    Feeling a presence at her back, she knew by the woman’s fearful expression, Slade had walked up to listen to their conversation. “Of course you are going to be able to go near your son.” Jill prayed she was telling this woman the right thing, but if it were her, nothing would keep her away from her child.
    “You may have to wait for a few weeks until you get your hunger under control.” Slade ’s voice cut into the conversation. “But, yes, you will be with your son again.”
    “ So I’m really going to have to drink blood?” Anne’s face cringed the words. “I really don’t think I’m going to be able to do that.”
    Jill smiled. “I thought the same.” That was until she latched her lips on a sexy Warrior, but she decided to keep that tidbit of info to herself. “Totally gross, right? But it’s like eating or drinking something you don’t like. You have to do it so you get used to it because your body is going to crave it. And if you don’t drink when you need to, then you become a danger to those around you.”
    “ I don’t think I’m going to be able to do this.” The woman cried silent tears. “My husband isn’t going to want me near him or Brandon.”
    “Has anyone contacted your husband yet?” Jill asked , still kneeling in front of Anne and Angelina. When she nodded, Jill stood and walked toward a window that was covered with paper. Ripping a small portion away, she peered out the window and spotted what she was looking for. “Is your son a cute little redhead?” She watched the man holding the child, both staring up at the house.
    “Yes ,” the woman cried as she tried to get up. Slade helped her up and half-carried her to the window. Peering out, the woman put her hand against the window and cried.
    “ I don’t think you have to worry about them not wanting you, because to me, that sure looks like two handsome men waiting for their loved one.” Jill took the woman in her arms and hugged her. “As soon as we finish, I will take you down to them so you can see them, but I think you are going to have to wait to be near them for just a little while longer.”
    The woman squeezed Jill tight ly. “Thank you.”
    Jill held on , and then whispered to the woman, “If I could do it, you can. You have something to fight for down there.” She pulled slightly away from the woman. “You hear me, Anne? You fight for that down there. Family is everything.”
    Slade helped the woman sit back down. Jill pulled him away. “ I don’t know if her husband knows what is going on, but please go down there and warn him,” Jill whispered her plea. “Because if

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