Across the Ocean

Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Page A

Book: Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Sosbee
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own character. Plus, it’s really embarrassing for me.”
    “You ’ve got to be kidding me, Ari. It’s embarrassing for me to watch you two.” She turns and heads out of the bedroom.
    I really don ’t have anything to say in response, anyways. She’s right. Brooke and I are strange around each other, especially when we are with our friends.
    I suppose I wish that Lára would be more sympathetic or helpful toward the situation, rather than so negative about it. I can’t say I would be any different, though, if our situations were reversed.
    This whole thing really blows .
    MSN Chat
    Brooke is in Indiana.
    salemsme: Hey, are you around? I need someone to talk to.
    marxist: Yeah, I’m awake. What’s wrong?
    salemsme: I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about Tommy. He says he loves me, but he is making this whole relationship an awful lot of fucking work for me. How long am I supposed to deal with it before I say that enough is enough? Don’t I deserve better? How do I know if he is the one? It shouldn’t be such a struggle. Right?
    marxist: Of course you deserve better. I don’t understand how he cannot realize what a gift he has been given. If it were me, you would never question how I felt about you. Real love is something that doesn’t allow you to treat the ones you love like that.
    salemsme: Have you ever been in love?
    marxist: Yeah. I have.
    salemsme: Lucky bitch. What’s her name and how do I go about switching lives with her?
    marxist: Her name isn’t important. We were talking about you. Besides, you’re closer than you realize.
    salemsme: What a cryptic thing to say. Are you implying that you are in love with me? Or that you’re in love with someone I know?
    marxist: I’ve gotta go. Catch you later.
    salemsme: Arg! Don’t leave me hanging like this!
    marxist has signed out
    salemsme: You’re not the only one who feels that way.
    Present Day
    Ugh, I have the most disgusting taste in my mouth. I hate waking up with a hangover. Fortunately, I think it is limited to a pounding headache, and I might actually escape without throwing up. In case you were curious, I’ve always been one to mostly dry heave when vomiting, and let me tell you that it is really, really unpleasant.
    Blinking and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with my hand, I stretch my legs under my covers, and try to get my bearing again.
    Ah shit. Memories from last night suddenly flood me. No, that wasn’t a dream and today we are going to have to face each other. Frankly, this whole ordeal is getting a bit ridiculous. Of course I have intense feelings for Ari, but I can’t be that woman who stands there while he is with another woman. If Ari wanted me, he would be with me, right? Isn’t that the way it works? You love someone and then you are with them. What do I know, anyways?
    Tommy was a really fucking shitty boyfriend that I had to deal with for three years. I poured my heart into a relationship with him . I even left my hometown at the ripe young age of 19 to move to Indiana so I could be nearer to him. He ho-hummed quite a bit about what labels we had for each other and dragged his feet during the whole relationship, all the while telling me he loved me.
    Being young and stupid, I thought I was truly in love. He literally wore me out. I had absolutely nothing left to give him at the end of our relationship. We were resentful and hateful toward each other, and it was a terribly vile situation to be in.
    There were nights that Tommy would sit on the couch watching his TV shows and drinking beer after fucking beer. I never realized how much of an alcoholic he was until we eventually moved in together. That was probably the biggest mistake of all, because once he became drunk, he would follow me around the house and yell at me about god knows what. He would just harass the shit out of me. I’d never really know what it was he was getting on about. More than once, I would run to my car in the

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