Across The Divide

Across The Divide by Stacey Marie Brown Page A

Book: Across The Divide by Stacey Marie Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacey Marie Brown
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    Even though I passed every mental and physical test they threw at me, I could tell Rapava and his Collectors were still skeptical. I stayed dedicated to the new leaf I turned over—to be re-established as a Collector.
    “Is it safe to come out?” Sprig’s voice drifted over to me from the cage.
    “Probably not,” I mumbled. Sprig and I had to maintain a respectful distance. I couldn’t get caught crossing the line.
    “You all right, Bhean ?”
    “Describe all right.”
    The metal of his cage clanged. I lifted my head to see him sitting on top of the box, watching me.
    “Oh, sprite-munchers. Screw them, Bhean . You look like a black-and-blue piñata.”
    “I feel like one too.”
    “Don’t they normally give you a cookie or something after you give blood?” Sprig hopped on the table. “You know, to keep your sugar levels up or something?”
    I smiled and propped myself on my elbows. “They did. A whole box. I think they were honey lemon, but they were so fluffy and rich I could only eat one.”
    Sprig’s eyes widened, his tongue licking at his bottom lip.
    “Threw the rest out.” I shrugged. “There was no way I could eat them all.”
    His jaw fell open. “Wha-wha-whaaaat?” he sputtered. “You threw them out? You didn’t think about bringing them back to me?” He threw up his arms, undistinguishable words continued to come out of his mouth.
    “Sprig,” I commanded.
    He quieted and looked at me glumly.
    “They didn’t give me any cookies. I was kidding.”
    He crossed his arms, sitting back on his legs. “You’re mean.”
    “I know, but did you really think DMG folks were cookie-giving types?”
    “No. But don’t mess with me like that, Bhean .” He wiggled a finger at me. “When it comes to food, you don’t intercourse with me.”
    I burst out laughing. “Intercourse? You mean fuck with you.”
    “Yeah. Same thing.”
    “Not quite.” I shook my head. “Slightly different context.”
    “You humans and your context.” He crawled to the edge of the counter. “No wonder it took you and the Viking so long. He thought you tossed his cookies too.”
    I groaned and lay back on the pillow.
    His comment allowed thoughts of Ryker to enter my brain. Thinking about Ryker was against my new rule, but the vivid sex dreams seeped through. Like I could still feel him inside.
    No! Stop! I stuffed my face into my pillow, pushing back the barrier.  Dammit. I used to be better at shutting off. Becoming emotionless. A Viking and a monkey completely undid all my years of building walls.
    “Oh, Bhean .” I felt Sprig land on my bed, climbing up my leg.
    “Sprig,” I hissed, lifting my head. “Go back. What if we’re caught?”
    “Screw those dingle-biscuits.” He came between my arm and body and snuggled in. I didn’t curl my arm around him, but it was enough for him to be there.
    The lights clicked off signaling bedtime for the captives. Every night at ten o’clock on the dot we were plunged into the darkness.
    “Sorry I brought him up,” Sprig whispered, then sighed deeply. “Hate to admit it, but I miss him too. Even though he stole my churro. The delicious, warm, sweet, melt-in-your-mouth, large stick of heaven.”
    I snorted.
    “I can see why you want him back. I saw it; it was not a stick but a seal clubber.”
    I rubbed at my face. “It’s not only about the sex.”
    “Sure.” His tiny hand patted my arm. “No cookies, but did you happen to spot anything else today? Perhaps honey? Like those bars you used to give me. Oh, what I wouldn’t do for one of those right now. Oh, and what about those honey mango chips? To. Die. For. And one of those Inca colas. Or maybe—”
    “Zip it,” I growled.
    “Uh-oh, Bhean is grumpy, and there is no food or sex available here.” He sucked in a breath and whispered, “I’m scared.”
    “You should be.” I sighed. “Now go to sleep.”

    Tonight I wanted to sneak into the bottom

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