According to the Evidence

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Authors: Bernard Knight
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make beds, while Moira made lunch and left them something each evening for supper. It was great improvement on the early days, when Richard and Angela virtually camped out in the old house, eating out of tins.
    Only the two partners took meals, as figure-conscious Siân always brought sandwiches, an apple and a bottle of Tizer, while Moira herself went home at midday to feed her dog. As Pryor sat down in anticipation of one of Moira’s casseroles, for she was an excellent cook, Angela opened a tin of Heinz oxtail soup and warmed it for their first course. When she first came to Garth House, she was adamant that she was not going to be involved in any domesticity, but her resolve had slipped a little and now she was prepared to do a few things, but she drew the line at proper cooking and cleaning.
    They finished up with a fruit salad and local cream, which Moira had left for them in the old Kelvin refrigerator, then Richard made coffee, his contribution to the domestic scene. He took this into the staffroom next door, and the pair settled down on each side of the low table.
    â€˜So what have you got from your ferreting around in Bristol?’ she asked.
    He delved into his briefcase and brought out some loose papers and a foolscap legal pad, several pages of which were covered with his handwriting.
    â€˜I wish they had one of those new copying machines in their library,’ he complained. ‘I had to write everything out longhand.’
    He slid the papers across the table and settled back with his coffee to wait for her to digest the contents. When Angela had looked through the first couple of pages, she looked up at him.
    â€˜Can you prove this beyond reasonable doubt?’ she asked soberly, using the standard for evidence that applied in criminal cases. In civil matters, only the ‘balance of probabilities’ was needed, but they both knew that this would not be sufficient in a murder trial.
    Richard shrugged. ‘All I can do is offer the conclusions of this chap who did the research. The other stuff you have there is watertight, as it’s been accepted fact for years.’
    He watched her intently as she went back to her reading. Angela was a very intelligent woman whose opinion he valued highly. With an honours degree and a doctorate in a biological science, and years of experience in its forensic applications, she would be able to appreciate the significance of the material at least as well as he could with his medical training.
    Her coffee neglected, her head was bent over the papers, a swathe of dark brown hair falling over her face. Richard experienced a wave of respect tinged with affection for her. Though there had been no repetition or even reference to the momentary episode on the stairs the other evening, he felt that their relationship had somehow warmed and that they felt more comfortable with each other. When he first met her and, indeed, even when she came to take up residence in Garth House, he found her manner rather cool, showing him a purely professional face. Now she felt more like a sister or an attractive cousin, and he briefly wondered if it would ever go further. His daydreaming was interrupted when she dropped the papers back on to the table and took up her now lukewarm coffee.
    â€˜If you can harden all this up into solid fact, you may well be on to a usable defence,’ she said crisply. ‘This first proposition is very new. You say you found only one published paper?’
    â€˜Yes, it appeared this year, though the research must have been going for some time for him to get all that data.’
    â€˜And the other contention is established fact, accepted by the scientific establishment?’
    â€˜That’s what the books say, so I doubt it can be challenged. There must be plenty of physiologists who could be dragged along to confirm it.’
    She finished her coffee and put the cup back on its saucer. ‘So what’s the next

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