Accidentally...Over?: Accidentally Yours 5

Accidentally...Over?: Accidentally Yours 5 by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Page B

Book: Accidentally...Over?: Accidentally Yours 5 by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mimi Jean Pamfiloff
Tags: Erótica, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, Vampires
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You’re a real charmer.”
    “Yes. I am. It comes with the territory. Now stop avoiding the question, woman.”
    She threw up her hands. “Listen to yourself. Do you honestly think I have a clue what you’re talking about? Or that if I did, I’d lie about it? I hate liars. Dishonesty is for cowards and criminals.”
    “And you have no idea why the Universe wishes to extinguish you?”
    “Ohmygod! No!”
    Fantastic. This was like trying to steer an oil tanker through a maze of icebergs while blindfolded. At night. Alone. While doing tequila shots and hopping on one foot. “Then I have no choice but to take you somewhere safe. You will pack your things immediately.”
    She stifled a chuckle and then released a frustrated breath. “What makes you think I’m safer somewhere else? If my number’s up, it’s up.”
    Fucking hell! Why did she not understand? That was not how the Universe functioned. Survival of the fittest. You fought or perished. Nothing was handed to anyone. It was a brutal, brutal world that required an iron constitution, conviction, and determination. Without those, you’d be overrun by the will of many. Drowned by their competing agendas.
    He growled. “If you are not willing to fight for yourexistence, then I will. I will not allow you to take such a complacent approach.”
    “So you’re a superhero, Máax? You think you can stop the planet from spinning, change the order of the seasons, stop time?” she asked.
    “But of course. I am a deity.” Had he not said this already? What was the matter with this woman? “However, this does not signify that I do not encounter my fair share of challenges. Such is life. Complications are to be expected. For example, I cannot be allowed to encounter myself. It would be very destructive for the order of the Universe, which is yet another reason we should leave.”
    She grabbed a pen off the counter and marked a giant X on her puppy calendar. “Okay, then.”
    “What is the meaning of that?” Did she want to play tic-tac-toe?
    “Today is the day I’ve heard it all,” she explained.
    Oh. Good . Because tic-tac-toe was his competitive Achilles’ heel. Once he started, he couldn’t stop until he won. “In actuality, you have not ‘heard it all.’ You haven’t begun to scratch the surface of my world; however, that will have to wait. We must leave.”
    “You don’t actually expect me to pick up and go? Who’ll take care of the café? Fernando’s new; he can’t run the place by himself.”
    “This is why I did not return to you immediately. I have made arrangements for your café and home to be looked after for as long as you are away.”
    “By whom?” she said bitterly.
    “We call them Uchben,” he explained. “They are our human allies and manage our affairs in this realm.”
    She laughed and put another X on her calendar. “Sure. Why not?”
    She was mocking him. And sparking an urge in him to draw a circle on her calendar. “Do you truly find it hard to believe?”
    “I can’t just let some strangers take over my life, Máax.”
    “Then we shall stop by your café, and you will meet our most valued Uchben soldiers: Brutus and his men. Then they will no longer be strangers. I have also arranged for the Uchben to take us to my brother’s home in Arizona. It is the safest place I know. There is a large Uchben encampment a few kilometers away, along with our private hospital, underground bunker, and 24/7 security.”
    She frowned and rubbed her temples. “I’m not going.”
    “Of course you are; I told you so.” Was her hearing impaired by the head injury?
    She gasped. “You can’t expect me to uproot and leave behind everything I love because you mistakenly believe I’ll save the world someday. Or because you tell me to. This. Is. My. Home.”
    “And I. Am. A. Deity. I am never mistaken, and it is my job to tell you what to do.” Ridiculous woman. Does she not understand the order of the Universe?
    “I will say this once

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