Accidental Meeting

Accidental Meeting by Susette Williams Page B

Book: Accidental Meeting by Susette Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susette Williams
Tags: Religión, Romance, Contemporary
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Gary twirled a strand of her hair around his
finger. “So, who’s going to win?”
not you! I quit!”
can’t quit,” he said in a low voice before he headed to his office door and
opened it, shouting, “You’re fired!”
wanted to stomp her foot and scream. As she passed him, he whispered, “Don’t
even think of claiming harassment. Everyone will think you’re just trying to
get even for getting fired.”
time she gave into the urge to stomp her foot. “You won’t get away with this.”
held her head high and looked straight ahead; stopping long enough to slam her
briefcase closed and grab a photo of Monica and Eric off her desk. Then rushed
to catch the elevator. Before the elevator had time to reach the ground floor,
tears were brimming in Abbey’s eyes. He would get away with it, again. Hadn’t
she been naïve enough to believe her predecessor wasn’t qualified, even though
her files were impeccable when she reviewed them? What would make anyone think
any differently about her? Especially with the display Gary put on for the
other office workers. He was right; they would think she was being vindictive.
stormed out of the building and scurried to her vehicle in the parking garage.
Within moments she was speeding off the lot and into morning traffic. Calm
down , she told herself as tears began their descent, rolling until they
dropped in her lap. Abbey popped a tape in the cassette player. Lord, help
me to find the answers. Why did you allow this to happen? I need a job. What am
I going to do now?
surrender all floated through the air,
lifting her spirits with the refreshing chorus. Abbey had given her life to
Jesus when she was eighteen, a little over ten years ago, and since that time
she had learned to put her trust in Him. Lord, I give it all to you and I
thank you.
time when the tears flowed, they were tears of joy and thanksgiving. God had a
plan, even if she didn’t know what it was, she knew she could trust in Him. He
would reward her for taking a stand. Abbey blinked rapidly, trying to focus
before reaching up to wipe the remaining tears from her eyes.
horn blared. Abbey swerved to avoid hitting a truck. Black flashed into
view.  She gasped and hit the brakes.  She screamed just before she
clipped the back end of a slick, black Lincoln MKS luxury car. The tail end of the
car slid with the impact, the driver quickly regained control of his vehicle
and pulled over to the side of the road. Abbey followed, parking a car length
behind him. Her heart pounded in her chest. Oh, Lord, please don’t let him
be hurt .
at the embankment on the right side of them, she could only imagine what would
have happened if his car had gone over the edge. Not that it was a far drop,
but a vehicle out of control probably would have rolled. Abbey shoved the door
open.  Carefully, she tested her shaky legs, then stood. Glancing toward
the other car she saw a tall man in a black suit was examining the damage to
the back of his vehicle.
all right , Abbey sighed as fresh
tears began to flow. She started toward him, so relieved she didn’t
think.  As she approached him she reached out in relief to hug him. Brown
eyes widened. He stepped back. Her shoe caught on a rock.  She fell
forward and knocked him even further off balance. His body tumbled backwards
over the side of the embankment. Mixtures of black and white swirled as his
body rolled. Abbey gasped in horror. It was only a fifteen-foot incline, but he
was sure to be bruised. Thankfully, he stopped before colliding with a tree two
feet beyond where he lay.
Hey, um excuse me…” she said worriedly.  Abbey took her shoes off and
slowly edged her way down the slope. “Hello?” she called out.
sat up and held a hand to his temple. “What? Are you coming to finish me off?”
stopped beside him and knelt to examine his head. “Are you all right?”
snorted. “Why? If I

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