Abby and the Cute One (Backstage Pass)
track of time after my date with Marissa.”
    The creases in LJ’s forehead disappeared and he smiled. “Right. How’d that go?”
    Nathan shrugged. “Good. But listen, now that you bring it up, I’ve got this idea. Does it matter who we use as the girl we—I…the girl I date?”
    LJ’s smile quickly turned into a frown. “What’s this about, Nathan? Marissa is perfect because she has a wide reach and she has a segment of the market we don’t have.”
    His manager checked his watch and then neatly crossed his arms.
    It was now or never.
    “It’s just that I thought it would be a great idea for the girl I date to be another singer. Someone a little different than Seconds to Juliet to bring more fans to us, but also someone you could have the media spin us as like a singing dream team.”
    The wrinkles around LJ’s mouth deepened as his lips thinned. “And I suppose you know just the girl to use? Don’t be stupid, Nathan. You know my rule. Don’t let a pretty face screw up the rest of your career.” LJ looked him in the eyes. “And if that’s not enough to convince you to back off, let me say this. Don’t do something that screws up her career, either.”
    His manager’s face, now red and angry, shook by the time he finished his tirade.
    LJ had all but spelled out that he knew Nathan was talking about Abby. And he’d made the consequences clear.
    If Nathan pushed this, Abby would be fired. Replaced.
    If it was only Nathan’s career on the line, maybe he would push the issue. Try to call LJ’s bluff. But Abby’s career had just started. If she got fired now, this could be the end for her.
    Nathan wouldn’t do that to her. He wouldn’t ruin her future simply because he had feelings for her. She was one of the best things that had ever happened to him. He wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen to her.
    He glanced away before his disappointment showed on his face. He shrugged nonchalantly. “It was just an idea, LJ. I didn’t really have anyone in mind. I just thought the singer angle would be cool. I can see the media loving that, but if you don’t think it’s a good idea, I’m not going to push it. I trust you.”
    LJ relaxed visibly beside him. “That’s my boy. Just focus on Marissa for right now.”
    “There he is,” Marissa said as she came toward them.
    Nathan looked up and froze. What the hell was she doing here?
    “Speak of the devil,” LJ said.
    Marissa smiled, threw her dark hair over her shoulder, and pushed sunglasses down over her eyes. His sunglasses.
    He’d thought he’d brought them to breakfast, but…
    LJ cleared his throat and tilted his head toward Marissa.
    Nathan sprang into action. He pointed at his chest. “My sunglasses?”
    She smiled. “Well, they’re not mine. I noticed them on the table when you left.”
    Uh huh. He’d looked on the table as Beau had come over to take him back to the hotel, but they hadn’t been there. “Thank God you found them. Those are my favorite pair.”
    She held them out and he took them back. “It’s kind of a media circus out front right now,” she said. “Is it always like that for you? It was crazy.”
    Nathan shrugged. He felt sick. Not only had LJ shot his and Abby’s plan down so quickly, but he was also stuck with Marissa. Minutes ago, he’d felt like maybe he had a way to stop this feeling that everything was slowly falling apart. But that hope had been blasted away in seconds, filled in with all of this fake BS.
    LJ shoved Nathan toward Marissa. “Why don’t you show her around the hotel? I offered her some front row seats to tonight’s show, but she’s shooting a night scene, so…”
    “Yeah, it’s too bad, because I’d love to see you sing live,” Marissa said. “I know how your fans just adore you.”
    She smiled and, because playing the part was all he had left, Nathan returned her smile. LJ excused himself, and they walked toward the front lobby, the only place Nathan could think of to show

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