A Wicked Kiss

A Wicked Kiss by M. S. Parker Page B

Book: A Wicked Kiss by M. S. Parker Read Free Book Online
Authors: M. S. Parker
Tags: Romance
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she did about the money.
    “She should have it. As Allen’s daughter, she’s entitled to far more than you are.” She sneered at me. “Thank you so much for bringing her to our attention. We’ll make sure we provide Jenny with the best lawyers available so she can get everything she deserves.”
    I could feel my temper starting to rise and again wished that Jasper was here with me, if only to help keep me calm. I could manage it myself, but it wasn’t easy, especially when I was dealing with the Lockwoods.
    “We don’t know for sure that Jenny is even Allen’s. That’s why I’m here.” I took a slow breath. “I need someone in the family to donate blood for a paternity test.”
    “We will do no such thing!” May snapped as she stood. “In fact, we will support Jenny’s claim in every way we can, even if it means standing by her with no proof.”
    I stared at her as I stood. “You really hate me that much that you won’t even bother doing a test to see if she really is Allen’s daughter?”
    “Don’t you dare act like you care about this family.” Two spots of color showed high on May’s cheeks. “Not after you’ve been shacking up with Jasper Whitehall not four months after my son died.”
    “For all I know, you and that worthless piece of trash were fooling around behind my poor boy’s back.”
    I wanted to scream at her that I never cheated on Allen, that my relationship with Jasper wasn’t any of her business, that Jasper was a good man and Allen had known that. I wanted to tell her every nasty comment I’d swallowed over the years.
    Instead, I turned and walked out without a word, ignoring her shouting after me about what an ungrateful whore I was.

Chapter 14
    I drove half a mile before finally pulling over to the side of the road and giving in to the tears. I pounded my hands on the steering wheel and screamed in frustration. How could she do this? How could she sit there and say that she would rather let some stranger claim to have had a child with Allen than take a simple blood test. If Jenny truly was Allen’s, I would give her everything. I didn’t care. And I felt bad for the girl either way. But I didn’t want everyone to think that Allen had abandoned his daughter. I didn’t understand how May could want that for her son’s memory.
    I yelled and cursed, let myself vent everything until I finally had enough control to trust myself driving again. I didn’t bother texting or calling Jasper as I headed towards the hotel. He’d know soon enough how badly it went. Not that either of us had expected it to go well.
    He took one look at my face and wrapped me in his arms without a word.
    I didn’t cry again. It seemed I’d used up all my tears today, but I accepted the embrace for the support it was meant to be. Once I shared with Jasper what May had said, we both needed it.
    I’d booked us a fairly expensive hotel, figuring we’d appreciate the comfort after dealing with the Lockwoods. The best part about it was the massive tub that was big enough for both of us. We didn’t make love or even do anything remotely sexual, just held each other as the hot water cooled around us.
    It wasn’t until we were wrapped in the soft cotton of the hotel robes, lying side-by-side, that I spoke again.
    “What am I going to do?”
    Jasper pulled me back more tightly against his chest. I had to admit, I wasn’t really in the mood for sex at the moment, but I wouldn’t have minded if there had been fewer clothes between us, just so I could feel his skin against mine.
    “You mean what are we going to do,” Jasper corrected.
    “We?” I echoed, feeling the warmth of the word spread through my heart.
    “I told you, Shae, I’m with you.” He pressed his lips against my temple. “Even if it means I have to deal with the Lockwoods.”
    I smiled, but there wasn’t any real humor in it. I put my hands on his, lacing my fingers between his.
    “All right, then. What are we going to

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