A Warrior's Revenge
since she wasn’t human.
    Ellanara smiled at Abby and asked, “Are you
ready to see the outside again?”
    Abby vigorously nodded her head looking for
all the world as impatient as a two-year-old to see what was inside
a wrapped package. Ellanara stepped behind a central console in the
bridge of the ship and initiated the coming to life of the
    The bar-Trinity started upward and the
mountain above cracked and grumbled, as it slid back revealing an
opening to the night sky above. As Ellanara took the ship clear of
the mountain by no perceivable means other than her mind she said,
“Blow up the lab Abby.”
    Ellanara guided the ship out across the
Valley Lands, as the mountain that Thunder Ridge had been a part of
for so many years literally crumbled and exploded outward in a
terrific eruption of force. Thunder Ridge was now the stuff of
legends and myths, only to be carried on in the hearts of those who
had called it home once.
    The bar-Trinity hovered over the device that
had enslaved the Valley Lands into a perpetual winter. With one
brief pulse of blue light the device below exploded into a fireball
and almost immediately the heavens opened up in a downpour of rain
that began to melt the snow blanketing the valleys below.
    Flying low the bar-Trinity skipped out over
the ocean headed for the Tranquil Islands. The closer they
approached the main island where the Hunters were located; the glow
of Ellanara’s eyes intensified into a storm of focused fury. Loric
alone stood in the center of a ring on the floor back from the
bridge of the ship armed only with the weapons that he had used as
a Hunter.
    Kana had objected to Loric going down alone,
but she had been overruled and now she sat biting her lip staring
at him fretting over the danger he would soon be in. Loric noticed
her focused gaze on him before she could look down fast enough and
he started toward her.
    Kana turned back around in her seat to face
the screen with information on it that made absolutely no sense
whatsoever to her. She heard Loric come up behind her shoulder and
then he leaned down and began to talk into her ear in a low tone
that only she could hear.
    Eshta watched the creamy skin of her
sister’s face go darker with a flush, as Loric spoke into her ear
and Eshta flushed a little at the imagining of what he could be
telling her sister to provoke such a reaction like that. Eshta only
caught what his last words to her sister were, “Do you think I want
to miss out on any of that? I’m coming back do you understand
    Kana’s head nodded, as she continued staring
at the screen in front of her. Loric pulled her flushed face around
and kissed her for almost a solid minute. It wasn’t a soft kiss,
but rather it was a hard passionate kiss that had Kana reaching out
after him, as he stepped away, as she evidently did not want the
kiss to ever end.
    Loric went back to standing on the ring in
the center of the floor, as the couple was the subject of several
giggling conversations throughout the bridge of the control room.
Eshta hadn’t really thought much of the other side of life before,
but the math of their being equal numbers of Hunters to women had
not escaped her. Was there a Hunter that would be right for her?
She was actually starting to hope so, which surprised her greatly.
She blamed her sister for this new awareness of life that was
unsettling the clear and decisive pathway that she had ordered her
life to function within up till now.
    The bar-Trinity glided toward the main city
of Zastu on the big island uncontested, as it did not register on
any of the enemy’s screens, even though the ship was clearly
visible to the naked eye. A schematic of a building outlined in
green tracer lines that extended far underground lit up before
    “Is this the building that they are housed
in?” Ellanara asked.
    “Yes! Here on this level is where they are
kept.” Loric said pointing to the thirty third floor of the

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