A Stark And Wormy Knight

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Book: A Stark And Wormy Knight by Tad Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tad Williams
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leg off a frog, just to find out what it would do. (It did very little, and died soon after with what Tobias felt guiltily certain was an accusatory look in its bulging eyes.) It was also the reason he had dented his father’s best scythe when he had used it to try to cut down a tree, and why he had dumped the contents of his mother’s precious sewing basket all over the ground — a search for knowledge that ended with Tobias spending all afternoon in the fading light on his hands and knees, locating every last needle and pin he had spilled. Once this rebel voice had even led him several miles out of the village, on a quest for the town of Eader’s Church, which he had heard was so big that the streets actually had names. His father and two other men had caught up to him an hour after sunset as he sat exhausted and hungry by the side of the road. He had got a whipping for it, of course, but for young Tobias whippings were part of the cost of doing business.
    So now, instead of turning and leaving the woods and its perilous inhabitants behind (for the sake of his father’s livestock if nothing else) he followed the trail of smoke back to its source, a small cookfire in a clearing. A small man with a ratlike face was tending the flames, his wrinkles made so deep and dark by grime he looked like an apple-doll. His large companion, who sat on a stone beside the fire and did not look up even when Tobias stepped on a twig and made the little man jump, was so odd to look at that the boy could not help shivering. The large man’s head was shaved, albeit poorly in some places, and the skull beneath the skin bulged in places that it should not. His bony jaw hung slack, the tongue visible in the space between top and bottom teeth, and although he did not seem blind, the eyes in the deep sockets were dull as dirty stones.
    If the big man was paying no attention, the little man was. He stared at Tobias like a dog trying to decide whether to bark or run.
    “Your wood’s too wet,” the boy told him.
    “You’ll get mostly smoke and little fire from that. Do you want smoke?”
    The small man frowned, but in dismay, not anger. “I want to cook this fish.” He had the sound of a southerner, the words stretched and misshapen. Tobias wondered why they couldn’t learn to speak properly.
    He squinted at the man’s supper with the eye of an experienced angler. “It’s small.”
    “It’s better than starving,” the man pointed out.
    “Well, then, I’ll show you.” Tobias quickly found enough dry wood to rebuild the fire and within a short time the little man was cooking the fish over it on a long stick. His large companion still had not moved or spoken, had not even seemed to notice the newcomer in their camp.
    “Thanks for your kindness,” the small man said. “I am Feliks. We are new to this.”
    “My name’s Tobias,” the boy said, basking in the glow of his own helpfulness. “What does that mean, new?”
    “We have been living somewhere there was food.” Feliks shrugged. “The food ran out.”
    Tobias stared at the other man, who still gazed at nothing, only the slow movement of his chest behind his dark, travel-worn robe showing that he was something other than a statue. “What’s his name?”
    Feliks hesitated for a moment. “Eli.” He said it in the southern way, the last syllable rising like a shorebird’s cry – Eh-lee. “He was my master, but he…something happened to him. He lost his wits.”
    Tobias now examined the big man with unhidden interest – if he had no wits, it couldn’t be rude to stare, could it? “What happened?”
    “The roof fell on him.” Feliks took the fish from the stick, burning his fingers so that he almost dropped it – Tobias was amused by how many things the man didn’t know how to do – and then cut it into two pieces with a knife, handing the larger piece to the silent giant. Eli moved for the first time; he took fish without looking at it, put it in

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