A Scandalous Secret

A Scandalous Secret by Beth Andrews Page A

Book: A Scandalous Secret by Beth Andrews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beth Andrews
Tags: Regency Romance
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    Otherwise, he was an indifferent angler, although full of fish stories which might have put Jonah to the blush. As for Alastair, who generally enjoyed angling, he did not seem particularly interested in the day’s outcome. It was plain that he was much troubled about something, and Dominick wished that his friendship had been secure enough to have challenged him as to the cause. But he would not risk a rebuff by seeming to be encroaching.
    It was a rather subdued party, therefore, that eventually returned to Merrywood. Dominick said his farewells at the door, explaining that he must go home and tend to his accounts; and Nicky, accompanied by Alastair, ran off to display his catch to his mama. Much to Dominick’s surprise, Oswald lingered behind the others and approached him as soon as they were gone inside.
    ‘A word with you, sir,’ the viscount said, punctilious to a fault.
    Dominick inclined his head ever so slightly in polite assent. What did this court card possibly want with him, he wondered? He would have thought that they had little enough in common, and the gentleman had more than once taken the opportunity to display his perceived superiority over the master of Lammerton Hall.
    ‘I trust,’ Oswald began with just a shade too much diffidence, ‘that you did not mistake my remark this morning concerning the young earl.’ He paused, as though expecting some response; but, as Dominick remained silent from sheer perplexity as to the import of this statement, he was forced to continue, ‘I have a very personal interest in the lad’s future, since we will very soon be ... ah ... related.’
    Dominick stiffened. Every muscle in his body tensed like a tuned violin string. ‘I’m afraid that I do not quite take your meaning, sir,’ he replied at last, though he was very much afraid that he did.
    ‘Elizabeth - that is, Lady Dansmere - and I have a ... how should I put it ... an understanding of sorts.’
    ‘Indeed.’ It was all that Dominick could do to force that single word from between clenched teeth. So this was the preening, fat-headed popinjay the woman had chosen as a suitable husband for herself and a father for his son. By God, if he could lay hands on her now...! ‘Then it seems,’ he said, with tolerable command over his voice and manner, ‘that I must offer you my felicitations.’
    ‘Of course,’ the other hastened to assure him, ‘we have made no official announcement as yet.’ He smiled in a self-deprecating way. ‘We both want to give the boy a little time to grow accustomed to the idea of having a stepfather. I am sure that I may rely upon your discretion in regard to this matter.’
    ‘Certainly, Lord Maples,’ Dominick said. ‘I understand perfectly. Now, if you will excuse me.’ He bowed briefly and turned to mount his horse.
    In a very few minutes, he was half-way down the drive. His last words to the viscount had been somewhat less than truthful. He did not understand at all. He was unable to comprehend what Bess - Elizabeth - could possibly see in that man, beyond his face. Or was that enough for her?
    He was even more puzzled by Oswald’s curious behaviour. There had been absolutely no need to acquaint Dominick Markham with the facts concerning his secret betrothal. What could he mean by it? Unless ... unless it was all her doing. Had the countess herself put him up to it? If so, why? A warning of some kind, perhaps? She had threatened to remove Nicky from his influence. Was this the means she intended to employ? A drastic measure, surely; or perhaps she had planned to marry Oswald all along?
    So much for his aunt’s belief that she might have cared for him. Could such a cold, cunning creature have feelings for anyone? He could not be certain. Her affection for her son seemed genuine enough. But she certainly showed herself to be a poor judge of men.
    He recalled how nearly he had come to kissing her only yesterday. Even in his rage, holding her so close had

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