A Ravishing Redhead
besides myself, Hastings. Why should you all have to wait if I am running late? Just keep a plate warm and I will eat when I return.” Turning on her heel, she trotted down the steps before Hastings could argue with her, and went directly to the stables.
    Destroyed by a fire and recently rebuilt, the ten stall barn was the only building on the property that had not fallen into a state of disrepair and Margaret was determined to keep it that way. She called each horse by name as she strolled down the freshly raked aisle and one by one they popped their heads over their stall doors to greet her with warm nickers of affection.
    “Are you hungry?” she asked, pausing to scratch Poppy, a dark palomino, under her chin.
    In her younger years Poppy had plowed the fields that now lay fallow behind the main house, but now she had more gray hairs on her face than brown and walked with a slight limp. Her sweet nature made her one of Margaret’s favorites, and she often spoiled the mare with carrots and apples stolen from the kitchen.
    Hay was piled neatly at the end of the barn. Filling a wheelbarrow with the sweet smelling dried grass, she fed each horse in turn and when they were all nibbling at their hay exchanged the wheelbarrow for a large bucket of oats. She soaked Poppy’s grain for the old draft mare had little teeth left to chew with, and opened up all of the stalls to let the horses out into their evening grazing pasture when they were finished eating. They filed past her one by one, too used to their daily routine to raise a fuss, and she followed them out to swing the gate closed behind them.
    Now came the not so pleasant part, but it had to be done, and after scooping her hair up underneath a floppy hat and rolling up her shirt sleeves, Margaret fetched another wheelbarrow and began mucking out the stalls.
    It was hard labor, but she enjoyed the simple quietness of it. A wry smile captured her lips as she remembered how her muscles had screamed in protest when she had first taken over care of the entire stables, but now her arms were strong and easily capable of dumping manure and hauling pails of water to and from the stalls.
    She was nearly finished when an unfamiliar whinny rang through the air. Still holding her pitchfork, Margaret poked her head out the front aisle way and watched with interest as a gleaming bay approached. She was so entranced by the horse’s fine build and elegant way of moving that she didn’t even notice the rider until he dropped to the ground in front of her and placed the horse’s reins in her hands.
    “Here,” he said, looking past her. “Cool him out and groom him.”
    Margaret bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. Oh, she noticed the rider now all right, although he certainly did not notice her. “Would you have me feed him as well?” she asked, deliberately speaking in a low voice.
    “Yes, of course,” said the rider in a short, clipped tone. “And have him tacked again in an hour. I will not be staying here long.”
    “Might I ask why?”
    The rider turned and leveled dark green eyes on her. Margaret held her breath, waiting for him to recognize her, but he merely reached in his pocket and tossed her two coins which she reached out to catch automatically. “Cool him out, groom him, and feed him. I will be back in an hour.”
    Without another word he walked away towards the house. Margaret stared after him in wordless disbelief, certain at any moment he was going to turn around and come back. When the front door slammed behind him, she shook her head.
    “Can you believe that?” she asked the bay. The horse regarded her in stoic silence. “Yes well,” she continued, grunting a bit as she loosened the stallion’s tight cinch, “you have to be loyal to him. You’re his horse. But I’m just his wife, and I don’t like him a’ tall.”


    Henry James Sebastian Winter, the sixth Duke of Heathridge, was in a foul mood. He had been

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