A Raspberry in the Dark - Tales of a Lesbian Vampire (The Pixie Chix)
to your room,” Tulip said with a tone of quiet accusation.
    “Well… where else would she stay tonight?”
    “We set aside a room for her in the Turret. We did that weeks ago.”
    “I know, but obviously she can’t sleep there tonight.”
    “And why not?”
    Mint started to say something, then paused, as if realizing that her reason really didn’t make sense. Then she plunged forward. “It’ll be night by the time we get there. No sense in climbing all the way up in the dark.”
    “Felicia can see just as well as we can,” Tulip pointed out.
    “And… I thought it might be better to avoid… certain Pixies.”
    “Ah,” Tulip said with sudden understanding.
    The Pixies turned to look at Felicia, both with thoughtful expressions full of mischief.
    “So,” Tulip said, “we should keep her in your room, just to be safe?”
    “Yes!” Mint sounded both relieved and excited.
    “And I suppose we should lock the door?” There was no question which side of the door Tulip wanted to be on.
    “We probably should,” Mint agreed. “Just to keep her safe.”
    To her great surprise, Felicia felt a shiver run up her own spine. Have I gone completely mad? I’ve already had the most intense… Pixie sex… of my life today, and now I’m tempted to spend the night locked in Mint’s room with the two of them?
    A second shiver, more of a tingle, echoed through her body, this one centred between her legs.
    Okay, I’m much more than just tempted.
    But Tulip was shaking her head. “Have you forgotten?” she asked Mint.
    “What?” The Pixie looked confused, then realization hit. “Oh.”
    “What is it?” Felicia asked. “Forgotten what?”
    “You need to sleep in your own room,” Tulip said.
    “It’s for your own protection,” Mint explained, and Tulip winced slightly.
    As if they weren’t supposed to tell me that.
    “Protection from what?” Felicia said.
    Tulip gave Mint a significant look then faced Felicia. “Ariel told us to give you a room and that you were to sleep in it by yourself.”
    “Ariel told you that? Ariel, the Goddess of Pixies?”
    Both Pixies nodded.
    “And this room is supposed to protect me from…?”
    The Pixies looked uncomfortably at each other, but didn’t say anything.
    Felicia felt anger growing within her. “Well?”
    They looked back at her. “Us,” Tulip said quietly.
    “You need to be protected from us,” Tulip explained. “Ariel said that if you were to live among us, you would need a place of your own, completely separate.”
    Felicia gave them her most perplexed expression while images flashed through her mind: Pixies at night, transforming into evil beasts. Beware the Werepixies!
    Tulip continued. “Ariel says that funny things happen to people when they spend too much time near Pixies.”
    “Yes,” Mint said, “and you’re going to be around a lot of us.”
    Felicia felt her anger subside. It did make a certain amount of sense. According to fable and gossip, nothing good ever came of a Pixie staying with regular folk for too long. Thus the opposite, one person among many Pixies, could potentially be much worse.
    Although it really is hard to imagine anything evil coming from these creatures. “So, if I spend nights in my room, alone, away from any of you, I should be okay?”
    Tulip nodded her head. “Ariel thinks so.”
    But Mint still looked uneasy. “You don’t agree?” Felicia asked her.
    Mint’s eyes darted to Tulip, then back to Felicia. When she spoke the words came out slowly and carefully. “I agree that you should stay in your room at night.”
    “Alone,” Tulip added.
    “Alone,” Mint agreed sadly.
    “In the morning, however…” Tulip began.
    Mint immediately brightened. “Yes?”
    “I imagine she’ll be feeling quite lonely.”
    “She will! And neglected as well!”
    Abruptly both Pixies began walking again, at a much quicker pace than before. Mint in particular was practically skipping her way down

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