A Place of Hope

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Book: A Place of Hope by Anna Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Jacobs
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Oliver went on, ‘but setting up a basic security system on the ground floor. Your nephew won’t get in again unless he breaks a window, and if he does, the police will be called automatically, because the place will be monitored 24/7.’
    She clapped her hands together at that news. ‘Oh, I do wish I could see George’s face when he finds out his key doesn’t work.’
    ‘I think you’d be wise to avoid a confrontation for the time being.’
    ‘Yes. I know. I’ll just have to imagine the scene. George will go bright red and swell up with anger.’
    ‘I can pay the security company for you and then take it out of the estate later.’
    ‘No need. At least, there won’t be a need if my second credit card is still in its hiding place. I’m hoping George didn’t find it.’ She went to the bookcase, which had a false panel behind some of the smaller books on a lower shelf. As she opened it, she sighed in relief. ‘He hasn’t discovered this lot, thank goodness.’
    Both men looked at her in surprise.
    ‘I’m a bit paranoid about losing my credit card and not having access to my money. It happened to me once when I was overseas. So I keep two cards.’
    ‘Where’s the other credit card?’
    ‘You’ll have to ask George. It was in my purse, which is also missing. I’ll cancel that card on Monday.’
    ‘We found your purse. At least he didn’t take the money out of it, but you’re right: there’s no credit card.’
    ‘He’ll claim he was keeping it safe, I suppose.’
    ‘Never mind George the Horrible. Am I still coming with you to Lancashire?’ Rachel asked.
    ‘I hope so.’ Emily turned to her lawyer. ‘I have no idea what Penelope’s house is like. I’ve never visited her there.’
    ‘It’s old and rather run down, with a rather strange set of outbuildings. It used to be a pub called The Drover’s Hope – the name dates from the days when people brought their animals to market on foot, so some parts are quite old. I think it’s structurally sound, at least the main building is.’
    ‘A pub!’
    ‘Hasn’t been licensed for a decade or so. I did a quick walk through with my son after Penelope died. Her flat on the ground floor is the most modern part. Everything’s very old-fashioned, though. Some of the outhouses at the rear need attention. We didn’t feel it right to do any renovations without your permission. After all, you may want to knock the whole place down and build a modern house, or sell it.’
    ‘How many bedrooms does it have?’
    ‘Apart from the flat, six at least, perhaps more.’
    She looked at him in surprise. ‘Goodness! It sounds far bigger than I’d expected.’ She turned to her friend. ‘Plenty of room for you to stay . . . unless you want to stay here and confront George?’
    ‘No way. He’ll be furious and he’ll guess I was involved in your escape from hospital. I won’t want my tyres slashing again. Or worse. How about I follow you up to Lancashire? I can’t pack and load my car until they’ve finished changing the tyres, and they can’t start the job till later today.’
    Oliver turned to Emily. ‘Right then. We can leave as soon as you and Chad have had something to eat. I’m sure the security firm can be trusted to finish their work and lock up behind themselves. I’ll instruct them not to let George in if he comes back early, whatever he claims.’
    ‘I’d like to leave him a message.’ She smiled. ‘I’ll stick a note on the inside of the window and leave details of what we’ve done with his things at Mr Teddington’s.’
    ‘Good idea. And since there’s a good doctor in the village near The Drover’s Hope, I can ring and make an appointment for you both for tomorrow morning.’
    ‘I agree.’ Chad frowned. ‘Why do I keep thinking about the legal side of things? There’s something hovering.’ He tapped his head. ‘I wish I could remember it.’
    Emily reached across to give his hand a squeeze. ‘Don’t try to force things.

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