A Pirate's Bounty

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Book: A Pirate's Bounty by Eliza Knight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Eliza Knight
Tags: Erótica
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comment, Wraith saw from the corner of his eye the king wave to his men. Several guards surrounded the vicomte, who was forced to release his daughter.
    He shoved her away and the force of the move sent Faryn sprawling forward and knocked a couple of his guards off their steady feet. Wraith lunged to grab Faryn before she hit the floor but at the same time the vicomte pulled a dagger from some part of his person. He waved his arm in an arc, the blade aimed at his daughter. Wraith changed his angle and nearly missed the downward plunge of de Bèziers’ dagger. Faryn fell to the floor in a pile of skirts and wriggled away from the fray. Wraith clicked his ring, flicking his hand in time to leave a gash along the vicomte’s arm.
    The older man screeched in pain and dropped his dagger, reaching instead for his bleeding limb. The king’s men took the opportunity to grab de Bèziers and drag him away.
    Wraith stood and held out his hand to Faryn. She stared up at him, confusion in her eyes.
    “Forgive me?” he asked.
    She nodded silently and took his hand.
    “You are not your father. I know you. I know you for the innocent and kind-hearted woman you are. I spoke out of anger.” He pulled her into an embrace, not caring that they had an audience. She sagged against him and the gentle shaking of her shoulders told him she was crying. He had never wanted to hurt her, nor see tears in her eyes, and yet here she was sobbing quietly against his shoulder. He leaned down and kissed her atop her head and then whispered in her ear.
    “Hush now, love. Don’t cry. All will be well. We shall be together just as we dreamed of.”
    She looked up at him, her eyes watery, her lips red where she’d bitten them. He bent down and pressed his lips to hers, savoring her taste and her affection.
    Against her lips he whispered, “I love you, Faryn.”
    Her voice cracked on a sob with her reply. “I love you too.”
    “’Lo there.” The king’s voice cut through their reverie. “Etienne, cease manhandling the maiden.”
    “Etienne?” Faryn asked, pulling away to glance at him quizzically.
    He shrugged, a wicked grin curving his lips. He realized they’d never gotten around to him telling her his true name. “’Tis not so dreadful and mysterious as Wraith.”
    She chuckled at this. “No, but suits you all the same.”
    “Majesty,” he said, turning to face the king, their hands gripped tightly together. “Might I have your permission to marry this fair maiden?”
    The king’s eyes sparkled. “You may inquire, Lord de Gothie, and I am happy to give you my blessing.”
    “Lord de Gothie…” Wraith’s voice trailed off.
    “ Oui , you have proven your innocence, and I have waited these past years for you to return to your rightful place. However, there is one condition of my gift.”
    Wraith stiffened, lowered his eyes. What could the king ask? “Yes, Majesty.”
    The king lifted his chin in challenge. “You have pirated our shores and taken the innocent from France. If you wish to fully receive a pardon, your title, your lands, you must first retrieve the French citizens you kidnapped.”
    The king’s demand would be a daunting task. But it was one Wraith was eager to complete, and with Faryn by his side. Orelia kept good records of her human booty, and once he had a hold of where each one was finally taken he could easily begin retrieving them—which he would relish as he’d never wanted to be a party to such a thing, but his safety had required he be the delivery man.
    “Majesty, as you wish.” He bowed before the king and when he rose addressed him once more. “A boon, Majesty?”
    The king nodded.
    “Might I marry first, so my lady can accompany me on the seas?”
    The king grinned knowingly. “ Mais oui , as soon as possible.”
    Wraith too broke out into a grin. Excitement coursed through his veins, for together he and Faryn would travel the world kidnapping those he’d enslaved to others and pirating pirates

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