A Perfect Love

A Perfect Love by Hot Tree Editing, Becca Lee, Lm Creations Page A

Book: A Perfect Love by Hot Tree Editing, Becca Lee, Lm Creations Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hot Tree Editing, Becca Lee, Lm Creations
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hormones are doing.”
    I burst out laughing and pulled out of Mace’s arms. Looking up at Mace, I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “Love you, Mace.” I drew back and winked, deliberately not winding him up.
    “You, too, Jo.”
    I stood and made my way over to Liam who waited near the kitchen door, a bemused expression on his face. Pressing myself against his chest, I tilted my head and kissed his neck. “I’m going to bed. Love you, handsome.”
    Brushing his fingers over my face, he cupped my cheek. I leaned into his palm. “You okay?”
    I nodded with a large smile.
    Kissing me on the lips, he then pressed his mouth close to my ear. “Love you. You need me to take care of you before you sleep, just let me know.”
    Heat travelled through my body and pooled in my belly. “I can wait until morning, but you make sure you wake me up properly.” I grinned, knowing he’d make good on my demand. There was rarely anything better in this world than waking up with Liam between my thighs.
    Kissing me once more, he squeezed my arse lightly. “I can most definitely do that, babe.”
    “Night,” I threw over my shoulder to Mace. “Night, baby,” I directed at Liam, accepting another kiss from him before I headed inside and made my way to bed. It was a good day. A little more peace settled over my heart knowing at last, after all of this time, Liam could rebuild his relationship with his brother.

Chapter Ten
    I held back from walking outside after hearing some of what Jo and Mace were discussing. They needed this time to talk; it was long overdue. Hearing how Jo put Mace in his place was not only amusing, but it made my heart swell with pride. In everything she did, everything she achieved, I was always proud of her, but reaching out to my brother sent her sweet arse into a whole new league. She was beyond a doubt the most amazing woman in the world.
    I would happily take on the pussy status she just threw at Mace by admitting it aloud, too.
    Saying goodnight to Jo, I watched her retreat. With her changing body, she was even hotter, her breasts especially. I was half-tempted to call her name, just so she’d turn around and I could watch them jiggle in her tight PJ top. I thought better of it, though, not wanting to risk her glare. With her increasingly erratic hormones, I was never quite sure how she’d handle a situation.
    Instead, I turned back to Mace and sat down facing him. We were finally alone. It was about time I found out exactly what his arrival was really about.
    “So…?” I left the question deliberately hanging, no longer wanting to sit and play ignorant. It was great he was there, especially for Jo, but all the way through drinks, I could not ignore the guilt or the dread forming in the pit of my gut.
    Mace’s face became deathly serious. “I’ve had someone keep a tail on him since I had my little chat with him.”
    “And what happened when you saw him?”
    He shrugged. “I warned him to stay away from you and Jo, and me. I also told him to back away from Mum. The last thing we need is him stirring up shit with her again.”
    He was right. While it had been a long time since I’d seen her, I didn’t want her to have anything to do with the piece of shit I had for a father. She was still a drunk. That would never change, and I’d come to terms with this a while back. But as far as I was aware, she was clean. She’d laid off the drugs, which David had brought into her life.
    “I also advised him to move states. All he needs to do is contact his parole officer to set that up. There’s nothing here for him now. Well, nothing but a hospital bed or maybe a coffin.”
    There was nothing but sincerity with his words. They weren’t vicious, and his voice wasn’t raised. While I should have been talking him down since I knew he spoke the truth, I didn’t have a drop of empathy with the thought of David leaving this Earth.
    He continued, “He’s been a busy man; going from one

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