A Pair of Jacks (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

A Pair of Jacks (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Blaze Ballantine Page A

Book: A Pair of Jacks (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) by Blaze Ballantine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Blaze Ballantine
Tags: Romance
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and he glared at Marie. “Do you still not understand? Your uncle wanted Yuri prosecuted and he set Xavier up at the GSA to take care of it. Xavier needed someone he could control. Someone that would be loyal and report back only to him, stretching the law if necessary. But someone who was above reproach with the President of the United States.”
    “So he used me.”
    “If your President had known everything Yuri had on his cabinet members, I doubt he would have been so eager to capture him. But now it is over, da? I can tell you nothing more. Xavier Jenson was a pawn to Yuri. All of us were pawns to be used in his global game of chess.”
    “But why did he kill Xavier? Couldn’t he have used him in a higher position? And why would he try to kill me?” Marie persisted.
    The Russian’s voice was growing weaker. “With you and Xavier dead, another investigation wouldn’t be happening soon. That would give Yuri time to put pressure on the President and convince him that if he wanted to keep the rest of his family safe, he would let matters drop. And if he still was convinced he wanted to pursue the matter, Yuri was prepared to start leaking secrets that would shake the world with their global implications. It was all a game to him. Nothing more. It was a power play.”
    Marie looked at Jack with pain filled eyes. “I really thought Xavier and I had a true friendship. I don’t understand why he did this to me.”
    “I don’t think he could stop it,” Jack said in his defense. “Once his path crossed with Yuri’s, the Russian owned his soul. I think Xavier tried to do some damage control, Marie. You must have been a damn good friend because he sent me to protect you.”
    Marie dropped her gaze from Jack, squeezing Reno’s shoulder as she turned away. “Viktor needs a doctor. I’ll get the jeep.”

Chapter Ten
    “Yes, sir. Thank you, Mr. President.” Jack closed his cell phone disconnecting the call from Washington, D.C. “The President wants me to convey his appreciation.”
    “Ummmm, nice,” Reno answered around the kiss he planted on Marie.
    “Is that nice to the President? Or nice kiss?”
    “Both.” Reno broke away from Marie with a grin. “So, what are we going to do with ourselves for the next few days till we get reassigned?”
    Marie stared past Reno into Jack’s solemn blue eyes. He was pretending her answer didn’t matter, but she knew differently. “I’ve been meaning to talk to you guys about that.”
    Jack flexed his shoulders and Marie knew he was trying to loosen the kink he always got when he tensed up.
    Taking Reno’s hand in her own, Marie pulled him over to where Jack stood. “Group hug?”
    The two men obliged, holding her sandwiched between them with a pressure that might be considered desperate.
    “I asked for reassignment in the States,” Marie said. “I’m going to be working with your team, Jack.”
    She felt him shift. “The President didn’t say anything about that.”
    Marie looked up with a smile. “That’s because I asked him not to say anything until I talked to you.”
    Jack blinked rapidly a couple of times, seemingly at a loss for words. He ran his fingers through Marie’s hair and waited for her to explain.
    “I want to stay with you.” Marie tiptoed up to brush a kiss across his lips. “You and Reno.”
    Jack shot Reno a look over Marie’s head before he crushed her against his chest, holding her like he might never let her go. “Damn, baby, you just made me a happy man.”
    “How happy?” Marie shot a mischievous wink at Reno.
    Jack’s chuckle rumbled in his chest. “Do you want me to show you?”
    “Actions do speak louder than words,” Marie reminded him.
    Without another word, Jack picked Marie up, heading up the stairs with her. “You coming, Reno?”
    He didn’t have to ask twice. Reno was right on their heels.
    Jack took Marie into his room, dropping her gently into the center of the bed. “Showtime,” he said, unbuttoning his

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