A Moonlit Night Saga: Episodes 1 - 4
intentions… and failed diplomacy. If the summoners truly wished to
take our powers back… they could have taken it back at any
    Amata howled in frustration, pulling the
blade back from his throat. She placed her foot on the chest of
Lord Korolev, her stiletto digging in deeply as she thrust with all
her might. The heavy golden throne swung backwards, crashing
against the ground in a thunderous collision. Cracking his head on
the back of the throne, Lord Korolev’s eyes rolled back in his
head, slowly drifting in and out of consciousness.
    Everything was getting dark now, as the blood
poured into the crevasses of his eyes. Metal scraping across the
stone floor was all he could hear, the sound of death’s slow and
inevitable approach.
    “You’ve forced my hand in the matter,” said
Amata, standing over the fallen Lord Korolev. “Take solace in the
fact that our people will live on, Korolev, even if you do not; may
the devil have mercy on your soul. You have your orders,
    “By your command, Lady Gemeti,” replied
William, lifting his menacing axe high in the air. “It shall be
    William’s mighty war axe came slicing down,
severing Lord Korolev’s head from his body. The massive vampire’s
strength was overwhelming as his vicious blow sent the Elder’s head
soaring across the room.
    Amata licked her lips, a smile breaking out
across her face as she seized control of the Council of Elders;
finally she had reached the pinnacle of her power. She turned to
face her younglings, sucking the now deceased councilors dry. She
motioned for their attention, and said, “Now, you may feast.”
    The newborns rushed towards the throne, like
wolves to a wounded sheep. Their sharp fangs tore into body of Lord
Korolev, gorging themselves stupid on the most powerful vampire in

Chapter Six

    Xander let his grip loosen, his sword
dropping to the blood soaked ground as he curled his lip and
growled. He had survived the onslaught and now only two of the
hellish hounds remained. He looked over towards Samuel, who had
taken a few blows, but continued his vigilant resistance with well
used sword in hand.
    The alpha werewolf was a mighty beast, easily
twice the size of his companion. Warm air puffed from his snout,
heating up the cool night breeze; smoking in the wind as he stared
down his watchful prey.
    He let out a terrifying howl, causing the
very ground below to tremor; the vibrations shaking Xander and
Samuel to their very core. Motioning to his last pack mate, the
alpha sent the younger wolf towards the house.
    “You must get to Emily!” shouted Xander,
turning towards Samuel. “If she dies, so do you!”
    Samuel didn’t care for Xander’s tone, and
wouldn’t forget that he was moments away from finishing Xander off
before the wolves came; but the vampire was right, he took an oath
to protect those that couldn’t protect themselves. With regret in
his eyes, he left the battle and hurried after the werewolf.
    The alpha began kicking up his hind legs,
throwing clumps of grass and dirt high in the air. Gripping his
hind paws firmly into the earth, the werewolf lifted off the ground
with his front and rose.
    Standing on his feet, the werewolf began to
transform. The alpha’s bones snapped and skin contorted; and soon,
what once was an image sent forth from hell itself, was now the
image of the divine, fallen from the heavens below.
    The alpha was a mountain of a man, standing
at least a foot taller than Xander and equally as wide. Looking
more in tune with a Greek god, he stood out from the rest of the
pack; a Samoan warrior with the zeal of war burning deeply in his
    They charged towards one another, vampire and
werewolf in a fight to the death. The alpha threw a fierce
haymaker, which Xander narrowly avoided, dropping to his knees as
he careened past the monstrous man.
    Stopping in his tracks, the alpha spun around
with his arm extended, cracking Xander in the back of

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