A Memory Away
he hasn’t made the connection between the Kyle Gerritsen who got his window smashed in and the guy he saw you with in the deli. No one knows but us three and baby momma and his hag.” She jerked a thumb at Dex. “Fuck, he wouldn’t know but I wasn’t sure what state you were gonna be in after ignoring my calls these past three days and if you needed some attention I didn’t want to have to take you to the ER and have it on record there.”
Jonah felt his skin flush and after a moment muttered, “Thanks.” He looked up at Dex and grimaced at the concerned look on his friend’s face. “You too.”
Dex nodded, looking concerned and reassuring. “Anytime, man. You know I’m here for you whatever. All you gotta do is....”
“Oh my God,” said Lopez, agonised, “Shut the fuck up, you fucking pussy.” She ignored Dex’s wounded expression and looked expectantly at Jonah. “So what are you gonna do? You just going to let him disappear back out of your life or you gonna make a play for the kid?”
Jonah ’s face darkened. “That’s your business how?” A brief flicker of something like hurt showed in his eyes before they clouded with anger again. “Gerritsen wasn’t even going to tell me about him. Don’t think I’m gonna get much of a say one way or the other. He’s made it pretty clear I’m not exactly daddy material.”
Lopez stared at him and then shook her head, reaching out across the table to put one hand on his forearm in an uncharacteristic gentle move and tightened her hold when Jonah tried to wrench his arm away. “I was with his girlfriend when he was out with you the other night.” She met Jonah’s eyes when he looked up, startled, and explained, “I needed to make sure of my facts before I busted the whole thing open for you.” She stared at him solemnly and said with sure emphasis, “He made the decision to tell you about the kid a couple of days before he agreed to go out with you. He was going to front up and tell you everything and offer you the chance to get to know your son.” She watched when Jonah’s skin bled to a nasty off-white and continued, “I didn’t tell the girl what happened to you or why you didn’t recognise him because that’s your story to tell. He was going to tell you the kid was yours even though he thought he was just one of your forgotten hook-ups and take a chance that you were gonna be okay with it. That’s gotta say something, right?”
Jonah swallowed and tried to keep the angry expression on his face, snarling, “So, what, that makes it okay that he played me and lied to me? You’re taking his side and making excuses for him now?”
Light ning fast, Lopez’s comforting hand came up and slapped him round the side of his head. “I’m on your side, you asshole, and don’t you forget it. And I am not making excuses for him, okay? I’m giving you reasons. He did something dumb and he’s paying for it. From what his little gal pal told me you knocked him on his ass showing up the way you did and he’s been trying to get back up ever since. He thought he was gonna be alone in this forever and then all of a sudden you’re strutting though his door all ‘Let’s fuck’ eyes and ‘How you doin’?’ and, as far as he’s concerned, you don’t even remember him from the last time you got him to drop his pretty panties and, oh yeah, completely changed his life.” She shook her head and said irritably, “Look, I don’t like it any more than you do, but the hag raised some good points. He’s not just looking out for number one here. He’s got the kid to consider and if he fucks up then it’s all on him. There’s no one else to take the shit or the fall. He went out with you to try and see the man behind the asshole and figure out the best way to tell you about the kid.” She raised her eyebrows pointedly. “If you can sit there and tell me you could have thought of a better way to handle the situation then you’re a lot brighter than I

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