A Little Bit Scandalous
envision her body; he knew every curve she had to offer. She was a stunning woman, he would not deny that, but he’d grown bored with her and had ended their affair six months before.
    “Darling,” she said as she stepped forward. “I had not realized how much I missed you until I saw your handsome face today. And then imagine my surprise when you also attended the Paddington ball tonight. I knew I simply must come over so we could have a talk.”
    “Don’t you have a new toy to play with?” he asked her.
    She feigned a pout, puffing out her bottom lip and glancing up at him from beneath her darkened lashes. “You wound me. What we had was special. Certainly you have realized as much now. Don’t you miss me?” She sauntered over to him and stood before his chair.
    “Not particularly.” There was no use in being anything but bold and up front with her, since anything else she’d misconstrue as flirtation. He was not interested in rekindling an affair with her.
    “You have found another then?”
    He didn’t answer her. It was none of her damned business if he’d taken another mistress.
    She bent down, bracing her hands on the wooden arms of his chair. Her breasts were a mere breath from his face. “I could change your mind. Don’t you remember how it was with us when we were lovers? How passionate we were together? No other man in London makes me feel as you did, no other can pleasure me the way you can.”
    “That’s a shame, Belinda, but it’s not my concern whether you’re pleasured or not.” He pushed at her, moving her chest off his brow.
    She stood and leaned against his desk, staying close to him. “What were you doing at the board meeting today?” she asked, her tone changed from seductive to accusatory. “Since when do you take interest in the poor orphans of London?”
    “I have my reasons.” He tapped his fingers on his desk. “My mother vacated her board position, and she needed a replacement.”
    “She sent a replacement.” Then her eyes went wide and she gave him a sinister smile. “Oh I see, so it is that girl .” She spat the word as if it were a curse. “She has captured your attention. Not usually your type, Roe. My late husband had more curves than she does.”
    “Which one?”
    “Touché, my love.” She let her eyes roam over him. “When you change your mind—and I know you will, because that waif of a girl will never be able to satisfy you—I will be waiting.” She leaned down and kissed him, running her tongue along his closed mouth. She winked, then sashayed out of the room.
    Caroline stood in the dark. She was not particularly skilled when it came to determining if a man was attracted to her. She hadn’t stayed in London for her Season long enough after Roe had rejected her proposal, but Roe had behaved as if she tempted him, as if their kiss had affected him just as it had her.
    Perhaps he behaved that way with any woman who got close enough to him. Somehow she doubted that, though. She’d seen Lady Fairfax, the kind of woman Roe had affairs with. A sophisticated woman with curves aplenty, lovely golden hair, and big blue eyes. Not at all like Caroline’s unruly mouse-brown hair and her own lackluster brown eyes. And she’d seen the kind of woman Roe intended to marry, someone who looked a bit like her, only a much more attractive version.
    Caroline had not come downstairs to spy on Roe. She’d wandered down to find a book to read and had seen a particularly interesting looking text in Roe’s study on mathematics. She clutched her dressing gown closer around her as the draft from the night air wafted around her. She’d thought Roe had left hours ago. Evidently not.
    She waited a few breaths before making her way to Roe’s study. She intended to walk in and go immediately for the book, say goodnight, and be on her way. Instead, she locked her gaze on him and boldly asked, “Are you and Lady Fairfax having an affair?”
    Roe looked up from his desk,

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