A Hell Hound's Fire
and foul, and face the path where your enemies prowl.”
    Chewed bones, does she always know what to
say at the right time?
    Alex sighed. “What do I need to do?”
    “From the messages I’ve received, she needs
a place that doesn’t smell like her. The demon seems to be tracking
through some kind of emotional or psychic scent, and she needs a
place without hers.” Fitzroy scanned Alex with his unnerving stare,
the one that always seemed to see right through him. “You still
have the house on the river, right?”
    Alex groaned. “Take her to my place?”
    “Water confuses demons.”
    Sarah piped up. “Onward up many a
frightening creek while losing the paddle and springing a
    Alex grimaced. “Do you know why a demon is
after her?”
    “No.” They both looked at the door. “But I
have the feeling it has something to do with her son.”
    “My boy, you’ll move mountains!” The boy
laughed and Sarah verbally pointed out all the fun things on the
    “Can you really move mountains like that,
    “I think it means anything’s possible if you
put your mind to it. You can do or be anything if you focus. The
mind is the most powerful tool you have.”
    Too bad it can’t change the past .
    Alex turned back to Fitzroy. “I’ll do what I
    “Good. You don’t have much time. Whatever’s
following her isn’t far behind. Get her somewhere safe and work out
a plan.”
    “A plan for killing a demon. Right.” Alex
rose and shook Fitzroy’s hand.
    He opened the door and stopped, struck by
the simple beauty of the woman cuddling her blue-eyed son. Goddess, I wish they could be my family.
    “Great places are waiting. Today is your
day. Your mountain needs moving so…” Sarah paused and Alex could
picture the words as they’d been read to him so long ago. “Get on
your way!”
    Alex’s throat closed with a mixture of hope
and gratitude, and tears threatened to slide down his cheeks. He
firmly reminded himself a male Moon Singer, who’d lived for more
than two centuries, didn’t cry. But the soft cadence of her Irish
lilt and the evident love he heard in her voice damn near unmanned
    “Can you read it to me again, Mama?”
    “Not right now, Liam.”
    Alex cleared his throat. “Ms. Flanagan?”

    Chapter Two

    Sarah jerked her head around so fast she
heard her neck pop. The man’s rich, rumbling voice offered comfort
in ways she’d never experienced before. She inhaled to get more of
an understanding of the salt-and-pepper haired man standing in the
doorway. He carried the scents of alpine river and hot stone, but
more importantly, he smelled like a Moon Singer.
    Don’t be fooled, gel. The demon can pull off
such trickery.
    “Who are you?”
    “My name is Alex MacLaren. Lt. Fitzroy
called me to take you somewhere safe.”
    She sighed. “Thank you, but I don’t think
there’s anywhere safe from what’s following us.”
    “Fitzroy says running water helps throw off
the scents. I happen to own a house surrounded by the river. What
say we get you there and then figure out an additional plan of
    “Are you west of left field , Mr.
MacLaren?” The Moon Singer code popped out before she thought.
    He gave her a half smile. “I haven’t heard
that phrase in a long time. But, yes, ma’am, I surely am west of
left field. ”
    Sarah hadn’t known she’d been holding her
breath until it rushed out in a relieved sigh. More relief than
required over his not being the demon. What’s that
    “Do you think we’d be safe from…what’s
    “Let’s talk about it on the way. The fewer
people who know, the less likely someone might tip off your
    Sarah wanted to ask more questions, but a
sense of urgency made her rise and pull Liam up with her. Her son
watched Alex with wide, blue eyes, clutching the book.
    “Mama, can we bring the book with us?”
    “It doesn’t belong to us, Liam.”
    “Bring it. Fitzroy won’t mind.

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