A Heart to Heal

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Book: A Heart to Heal by Synithia Williams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Synithia Williams
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
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    He looked at Tony and frowned when Tony’s lips rose in a sly smile. “We had a lot of good times in high school, but the best night was Homecoming.”
    Roxanne and Jermaine’s smiles froze before they both gave equally forced laughs. Shayla groaned and lifted the glass to her lips with shaky hands.
    Devin reached out and took the glass. “Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”
    Embarrassment flashed in her eyes before anger replaced it. “Disappointed in me again, Devin?”
    Tony laughed. “Just as uptight as he was in high school. I guess that’s the reason you made your decision.”
    Shayla glared at him. “Shut up, Tony.”
    Tony shrugged. “Or was it because you know we’re just alike.”
    Devin narrowed his eyes on Tony. “She’s nothing like you.”
    â€œTell yourself that.” Tony lifted his shot glass and downed the drink in one gulp.
    Shayla jumped up. She swayed before righting herself and glaring at them both. “I’m not like either of you. I’m not as fucked up as Tony and I’m not as good as Devin. To hell with your pissing match, I’m going home.”
    She took an unsteady step and Devin shot out of his chair. “You can’t drive.”
    She tried to step away, but stumbled and knocked over the ice bucket that once held the champagne. It hit the floor with a loud crash and people nearby turned to watch. There was laughter as she tried to stand and straighten her halter top.
    Tony laughed and brushed ice from his lap. “She got it, Devin.”
    Devin rolled his eyes and reached for Shayla’s arm. She snatched away and with a frustrated sigh he hauled her over his shoulder. Her feet swung with her kicks as her small fists pounded into his back while she cursed him out. He tightened his hold on her legs, refusing to allow her to drive home drunk. Peaches ran over while Roxanne and Jermaine got out of the way. Tony just sat and watched with a satisfied smile on his face.
    Peaches took one look at Shayla and grinned. “Home girl up to her old tricks again.” She looked at Tony and winked.
    Devin glared at Peaches, who had the decency to stop laughing and get out of his way. Shayla froze. “Devin, I’m gonna throw up. I won’t drive, just put me down.”
    He quickly placed her back on her feet and held her as she tried to steady herself. Her skin was flushed and her mouth pressed closed. “I’ll drive you home,” he said taking her hand and leading her out of the VIP. He ignored the curious stares from those who’d witnessed the show on the way out. He’d get another lecture about Shayla when he returned to work on Monday.
    She didn’t say anything when they got to his truck. After he helped her in and shut the door, she curled up in the seat and faced away from him. But what was there to say? He didn’t have to be the one to take her home. Roxanne or Peaches could have done that. The truth was he’d rather take her home than leave her there and find out through the grapevine that she’d ended up going home with Tony. He wasn’t even going to pretend he wouldn’t care if she hooked up with Tony again. Although her actions tonight made that possibility seem unlikely.
    Why she was afraid of Tony? After Homecoming she used to try harder to prove she was happy whenever Tony was around. Before he thought it was only to rub their relationship in his face, but now he doubted that.
I never willingly slept with Tony
. Her words a few days ago rang through his head.
    He thought back to that time in high school when Shayla had broken his heart so completely. Tony was the leader of their clique mostly because his ego couldn’t let him be anything less. Shayla confessed to him that she thought Tony was conceited and rude. They’d talk for hours about the hypocrisies of high school and the way everyone tried to be something they

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