A Heart So Wild

A Heart So Wild by Johanna Lindsey Page B

Book: A Heart So Wild by Johanna Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johanna Lindsey
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Otherwise you wouldn’t still be willing to travel with me.”
    Courtney looked away, embarrassed. He was right, of course. She shouldn’t even be speaking to him.
    â€œI know why you did what you did,” she said in a small voice. “I can’t say I appreciate it, but I don’t think you meant to hurt me.”
    â€œYou don’t know that at all,” he said flatly.
    Courtney tensed as suddenly his arms tightened around her.
    Breathlessly she said, “Would you—would you really have…?
    â€œListen to me, lady.” Chandos cut her off sharply. “You don’t know what I’m capable of. So don’t try to guess.”
    â€œAre you trying to frighten me again?”
    He sat up. “Look,” he said curtly. “All I wanted was for you to stop crying. You have. Now let’s both try to get some sleep.”
    â€œWhy not?” she said resentfully. “My problems aren’t any concern of yours. Forget I asked for your help. In fact, just forget everything.”
    Chandos stood up. Her flippancy didn’t bother him. She was a woman, and he supposed complaining made her feel better. But her next words stopped him cold.
    â€œI’ve got one option. Reed Taylor will take me to Waco. Of course, that means I’ll have to marry him, but what else can I do? I’m used to things not turning out the way I want them to, so what’s the difference?”
    She had turned back onto her side, facing away from him, and was talking to herself, notto him. Sonofabitch! He didn’t know whether to ignore her or beat some sense into her.
    â€œWhat?” she snapped.
    Chandos smiled. Maybe she had some spunk after all.
    â€œYou should have told me you were willing to use your body to get to Waco.”
    â€œWhat?” She swung around so fast her blanket fell away. “I would never—”
    â€œDidn’t I just hear you say you would marry that fellow?”
    â€œThat’s got nothing to do with—with what you said,” she retorted.
    â€œDoesn’t it? Do you think you can marry a man without sharing his bed?”
    Hot color rushed into Courtney’s cheeks. She hadn’t thought about it at all, had only been talking to make herself feel better.
    â€œIt’s really none of your business what I do after you take me back to Rockley,” she said defensively.
    He approached, towering over her. “If you’re selling your virginity, I might be interested.”
    She was speechless. Was he doing this just to shock her?
    â€œI was speaking of marriage,” Courtney said, her voice quavering. “Were you?”
    â€œThen we have nothing further to discuss,” she said firmly and turned away.
    Chandos watched as she reached behind her for her blanket and pulled it up to her chin.
    He turned away for a moment and looked up at the black starry sky, thinking he must be crazy.
    He took a deep breath and said it anyway. “I’ll take you to Texas.”
    There was a shocked silence. Then she said, “Your price has become too high.”
    â€œNo extra price, lady, just what you’re willing to pay me.”
    After everything, he was changing his mind yet again! She was too vexed to say anything except, “No, thank you.”
    â€œSuit yourself,” he answered casually, then walked away.
    She was proud of herself for refusing. Who did he think he was, playing with her life?
    For a long time there was only the sound of the crackling fire. And then she said in a whisper, “Chandos?”
    â€œI’ve reconsidered. I accept your offer.”
    â€œThen get to sleep, lady. We’ll be leaving early.”

Chapter 14
    T HE strong smell of coffee woke Courtney. For a moment she lay there, feeling the morning sun on her face. She had never slept under the open sky before, and she found it very pleasant to wake up to the gentle

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