A Gentlewoman's Dalliance
way I can be of assistance in the matter of your ‘foible,’ please don’t hesitate to ask, and I’ll help if I can.”
    Mary’s heart thudded. This was precisely what she’d hoped for. If anyone could facilitate this matter, it was the worldly-wise Sofia, and glancing around to ensure that the other ladies were occupied elsewhere, Mary reached into her sewing bag. From it, she drew out a copy of a periodical, an item she’d obtained from Sofia herself, just a week ago.
    The magazine fell open at a page clearly well-thumbed. “This is what took our fancy, Sofia,” said Mary, glancing up from the page to her companion’s understanding face. “But Mr. Brigstock is as inexperienced as I in this particular activity, and he doesn’t want to disappoint me or do me any harm.”
    Sofia smiled, laying her hand on Mary’s arm. “Your Mr. Brigstock is a fine and thoughtful husband, Mary, and would that all spouses were as considerate as he. But I think you’d both agree that you probably need the help of ‘specialist.’ Someone well versed in these activities.”
    Someone like him.
    The two of them looked down again at the page and its skillfully executed engravings, showing scenes of scandalously naughtiness, involving not two participants but three, a woman and two men. The clearly willing female was being spanked by one of the men, while the other looked on, wide-eyed and avid. Sofia’s forefinger rested upon one particular figure in the grouping, the disciplinarian. He was dark-haired and somewhat unusual looking, and the clever engraver had managed to suggest a wealth of knowledge in his large, compelling eyes.
    â€œExactly! Exactly!” cried Mary eagerly. One or two of the other ladies looked her way as they fussed with their hats and outdoor wear, so she lowered her voice as she went on. “That’s just what Mr. Brigstock said. We weren’t sure how we’d go about securing such a person’s services, but I told him that you would probably know.”
    Sofia beamed. “Ah, you know me well, my dear. I do know exactly how to obtain such services, and I know the perfect fellow for the task.” She paused and winked. “Leave it all to me, Mary. I’ll make the arrangements for you, and send around a message when the thing is all set.”
    â€œOh, thank you, thank you!” Mary hugged her friend, excitement bubbling inside and delicious stirrings already beginning to surge. “And do send your bill, too, without delay. Leonard is the soul of openhandedness where my whims are concerned, and always happy to indulge me.”
    â€œYou’re a lucky woman, Mary Brigstock,” pronounced Sofia with a twinkle in her eye. “Although I’ll guarantee that Mr. Brigstock considers himself just as lucky to be married to such a daring adventuress as you.”
    Two days later, in the library of her home near Marble Arch, the anticipation of her “luck,” and her husband’s, made Mary tremble.
    Come now, Mary. No second thoughts. This is what you want, remember?
    While her husband and their guest enjoyed their brandy and cigars, she’d slid the journal from its place of safety in Leonard’s bureau, so she might remind herself of the play that lay ahead.
    Three figures. Three persons involved. Two could enact it; a man could spank a woman, certainly. But it would be better with the guidance of a specialist. Better with eyes upon her, watching, admiring. Sliding her finger over the engraved image, she let it settle on the third figure, the most important ingredient, just as Sofia’s had done.
    Goodness gracious, I never expected it would actually be the very same man!
    Stuffing the precious periodical back into the bureau with scant respect for its cost and exclusivity, Mary fell to pacing around the handsome room, a parcel of nervous anticipation and riotous desire. Her skirts swished

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