A Fragile Design

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Book: A Fragile Design by Tracie Peterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tracie Peterson
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appear years older. ‘‘Confounded? Is that the word? Confounded? ’’
    His words punctuated the air like a needle piercing cloth. She glared at him. ‘‘Stop using that word—now!’’ she commanded.
    Taylor shook his head. ‘‘It’s going to be a long day,’’ he muttered.
    Bella stopped in her tracks. ‘‘I share your sentiments. Spending a day in your company is not my idea of pleasure, either,’’ she rebutted before marching off.
    ‘‘Don’t worry about me and my injured leg. I’ll be fine carrying this heavy basket,’’ he called, his voice laced with sarcasm as she walked out the front door, leaving him in the wake of her anger.
    Addie smiled down from the carriage. ‘‘Oh, good, I was beginning to wonder where you were. Now, where is Taylor?’’ she asked, looking expectantly toward the door.
    ‘‘He’ll be along. He’s nursing his injured leg.’’
    ‘‘Oh, my! He’s injured? John, you’d better go and see to him,’’ Addie fluttered.
    ‘‘No need, Miss Addie. Here he comes now,’’ Bella said as Taylor limped slowly toward them.
    John jumped down from the carriage and assisted Taylor with the picnic basket. ‘‘What happened to your leg? You run into something?’’
    ‘‘You might say that,’’ Taylor replied. ‘‘Miss Newberry swung that basket into my shin.’’
    Bella gasped at Taylor’s explanation while Addie twisted around on the seat, a look of astonished surprise etched on her plump face.
    ‘‘Bella!’’ the older woman exclaimed in horror.
    ‘‘It was an accident, Miss Addie. He came into the room unexpectedly just as I was lifting the basket off the table. As I turned, the basket swung around, tapping him on the leg. Then he began cursing, and when I requested that he refrain from such ill-bred language, he used the word several more times. And that is the truth of what happened,’’ Bella explained. Then she leaned forward and whispered to Miss Addie, ‘‘He’s acting like a big baby. The basket barely touched his leg.’’
    With John’s assistance, Taylor heaved himself into the carriage, making a great show of his pain and leaning heavily against Bella as he adjusted his leg.
    ‘‘Get off of me!’’ Bella commanded, pushing him away with all her might.
    Once again Miss Addie twisted around in her seat as Taylor gave Bella a dejected look. ‘‘I am terribly sorry, Miss Newberry. I wasn’t attempting to be offensive, but I’m in pain and needed to straighten my leg.’’
    ‘‘Give him a little more room so he can make himself more comfortable, Bella,’’ Addie instructed before turning back toward the front of the carriage.
    Taylor gave her a smug grin and then winked. Winked!
    ‘‘You are no gentleman, sir,’’ Bella hissed. ‘‘It’s good that we’re on our way to church.’’
    ‘‘And why is that?’’
    ‘‘Because you’re certainly in need of help from the Almighty!’’
    Taylor gave a hearty laugh. ‘‘I doubt you’ll find me any more proper after the church sermon than before,’’ he responded jovially.
    Bella tapped Miss Addie on the shoulder. ‘‘You see? He’s laughing and feeling much better already,’’ she said with a look of satisfaction on her face as she leaned back against the leather-upholstered seat.
    Taylor leaned close, his hair sweeping down across one eye. ‘‘You’re out of your element, Bella. I’m more practiced than you are at this type of behavior. They may listen to your words, but they won’t believe my leg is healed until I’ve convinced them.’’
    She stiffened and looked away in an attempt to push down the boiling anger that was welling up inside. If she spoke, her words would spew out the anger she felt for this man. Rather than speak, she shifted her body toward the buggy door and directed her gaze at the passing scenery.
    ‘‘Don’t be angry with me, dear Bella,’’ Taylor whispered, his breath on her neck causing her to shiver. ‘‘I want to be

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