A Family Found

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Book: A Family Found by Laura Abbot Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Abbot
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with his many obligations and his circumspect treatment of her. And yet...
    She bent to the book once more, fascinated by Christopher Newman’s moral dilemma. Should he expose the Bellegardes for who they were or permit them to continue with their pretensions? Reaching the end of a chapter, she reflected that she, like the character, had exchanged one culture for another. In the eyes of some she was defying convention—living alone, riding astride, planning to scale Longs Peak—yet if she and others didn’t undertake such challenges, women might forever be confined by prejudice and male societal expectations. It was appalling that as an educated woman, she was deemed too ignorant to vote while ruffians staggering out of taverns were welcome at the polls. She wondered what Grizzly would think about evolving roles for women. And Tate? Based on his reaction to her thus far and what she knew about Ramona, she assumed he’d align himself with those who expected a female to stay in her place. But Charlie? She smiled. He’d wanted her to be her best self, wherever that took her.
    The next morning after she’d fed Ranger and Beauty and hung her wash on the line, Sophie pulled out some writing paper and sat at the kitchen table, determined to find the words to cheer her father. Although Seth had tried to reassure her, a small stroke was still cause for concern. Even as a little girl, she had taken care of the “boys.” Keeping house and cooking for her father and brothers had been not only a necessity, but a labor of love. Yet here she was, hundreds of miles away.
    Knowing her father would be more interested in her situation than in her pity, she briefly addressed his stroke, assuring him of her confidence that with time he would recover fully. Then she launched into what she hoped was a lighthearted account of her Colorado adventures, including her acquisition of Beauty, her friendship with Belle and her amusing encounters with Marcus and Toby. She lifted her pen from the page. She wanted to include something about Tate, but what? He wasn’t merely an acquaintance, and she had to admit that in some ways he was important to her. She shook her head, then carried on with a description of the local church services. Tate could wait for another time. After sealing the letter to her father, she wrote a quick note to Seth.
    Dearest Brother,
    Thank you for informing me about Pa. I’m sure Doc Kellogg is keeping an eye on him, as are all of you, but I imagine that he is a stubborn patient. I feel very far away, although Pa and all of my dear Kansas family are in my daily prayers. Seth, I know I can count on you and Caleb to let me know if I need to come. No journey is too long or arduous when my loved ones are in distress. The post is unreliable and erratic, but I’m sure if necessary, you could telegraph the Hurlburts and they could get word to me in a more timely fashion.
    She stared at the words covering the page. How inadequate they seemed. She’d made the decision to leave Kansas, but perhaps she hadn’t fully anticipated what the emotional cost might be. She carefully folded the letters and slipped both into an envelope addressed to Seth. She would deliver the packet to Joe Harper when she went to church the next day. With a sigh, she pushed back from the table, determined to clear her mind.
    â€œBeauty?” The dog had been lazing on the front porch, but stood in response to her call. “It’s a beautiful day for a walk. Come.”
    On the way to a nearby ridge crowned by rocks and juniper trees, the landscape began to fill her emptiness. How she wished Charlie and her beloved family could share in such splendor. At the top of the ridge a flat plateau covered by low bushes and colorful flowers beckoned her on. Beauty bounded ahead of her and then circled back as if soliciting approval for another romp. As she walked, Sophie felt her worry lifting. Pa was in good hands

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