A Dark Faerie Tale Series Omnibus Edition

A Dark Faerie Tale Series Omnibus Edition by Alexia Purdy Page B

Book: A Dark Faerie Tale Series Omnibus Edition by Alexia Purdy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexia Purdy
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was not careful. This situation is just a twisted ankle waiting to happen . Shade gritted her teeth, concentrating on the loose rocks and roots that lay haphazardly across their path.
    They finally came upon a clearing in the forest. The warriors paused, watching Jack and Ewan for a signal. Jack scouted the clearing’s edge and looked for any kind of movement. The rest of the group was hunched and hiding behind trees and bushes, waiting for the all clear. Shade perched herself behind a large redwood tree. The bark was rough and crumbled under her fingers. It felt warm under her touch, like there was life pulsating inside the massive trunk. She wondered why she could now feel the life all around her. Did it have to do with this forest being fey territory? She wondered if there was something new happening within her, or if they were all being affected by an unknown force.
    She suddenly realized it’d been quite some time since she’d heard the voices in her head. She felt relieved, but it also felt like something was missing. Maybe she’d try what Ilarial had mentioned. Since she’d taken the medicine that Ilarial had given her to control the voices, it was easier to think. She thought now she’d try to speak to them with specific requests, and then listen for a specific answer. Ilarial had said this exercise would help her get to know the voices, and hopefully she’d learn to use her spirit guides to her own advantage.
    Are we safe? Shade waited, quieting her mind and listening for the response.
    Yes, they said as one .
    She jumped. The answer had come like a voice on the breeze or like someone whispering into her ear. She spun around but saw no one and glanced over to Soap who was behind another tree to her left. He placed a finger to his lips, signaling for silence, and turned back toward the front of the group.
    Wow, a one-word answer. It was enough to make her freak out. Ok, well that was a good little exercise . She watched Ewan give them an ‘all clear’ signal. Standing up, she shuffled back into line behind the warriors. Elated, she felt a renewed sense of peace inside.
    The sun felt warm on her back as they worked their way across the field. They made sure to avoid the center of the clearing, choosing to avoid being too exposed. They were near the edge, and even though it would take longer to get through, it felt safer knowing cover was nearby. Shade inhaled the fresh air of the countryside. Flowers, pine trees, and deadened mulch were on the ground and mixed with dirt, but perfumed the air.
    The forest was surreal compared to her usual reality of constant smog, exhaust, honking cars and the smell of iron in the city. Out here, none of that seemed to exist, and she let herself enjoy the beautiful afternoon. Dragonflies and ladybugs buzzed around her and disappeared into the forest. She wondered if they were close to a body of water with so many dragonflies about. She was surprised not to see any more of the tiny winged fey she’d encountered with Jack. There was no one else around.
    Where is everyone? Are there more fey out here? Shade wondered.
    Yes, they’re watching, wondering who you are. Wondering why so many are treading the trails with you.
    Shade smiled. The voice was gentle and did not scare her as the voices had before. It seemed like a light caress, a lover’s promise in a whisper. She knew then that it would never be like before; Ilarial had used the medicine to channel the guides to help her better understand them. The voices wouldn’t be an overbearing force on her ever again. She had to remember to thank Ilarial profusely for this gift.
    Do you have a name? Is there more than one of you?
    Yes, the voices answered. There are three of us that remain with you. Each of us will answer you in a specific situation. We each are helpful in certain things. I am Duende; the others are Astrid and Elaby. We are your spirit guides. There were more, but Ilarial has forced them away, for they’re too much

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