A Dangerous Harbor

A Dangerous Harbor by R.P. Dahlke Page A

Book: A Dangerous Harbor by R.P. Dahlke Read Free Book Online
Authors: R.P. Dahlke
Tags: Romantic Mystery
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paid leave of absence for one who comes to the defense of a potential victim."
    "Well, that may be so in Mexico, but not the States."
    "My sources tell me that you have the makings of a good homicide detective but you work in vice."
    Her job and that promotion from vice to homicide hung in a decision of her department's internal investigation. She pushed the margarita glass away. "Let's concentrate on this job, shall we?"
    He pursed his lips as if trying to keep something inside but nodded to indicate she should start.
      "Your ruse to fool the American boaters lasted less than the time it took me to sail from one marina to the next.   Word is out on who I am and why I'm there. You're surprised? Along with the weather report, rumor is spread throughout the entire American fleet over a cruiser's radio net. I can tell you right now that every boater from here to Acapulco knows about the floater, that my boat was chained to the dock by the police, and after a late night visit from the investigating detective, I'm motoring for Marina Mar, where the main suspect is docked." At his deep frown, she added, "Look, it's not all bad. For now, your witnesses are more interested in covering their own butts than to care about any connection I have with you."
    "I'm sorry."
    "Please don't apologize again. If you're really sorry you can release me from this job."
    When he didn't jump to that idea she continued, "It wasn't a coincidence that I was invited to Spencer's party the first night I got there. I was, however, impressed at the number of Americans who showed up. I think it was his way to thumb his nose at your investigation and to size me up. So, I guess my question is who spilled the beans?"
    "You know what I'm talking about. Spencer knew I was coming."
    He started to say something, but a young waiter shuffled over with two hot plates, thrust them onto the table, sighed loudly and shuffled away.
    Katy couldn't help but smile. "New waiter?"
    "That is my nephew, Alphonso , who is supposed to be in college in the States, but because he was caught drinking on campus, he's doing penance here at his father's restaurant.   He hates manual labor, so we expect to see the back of him soon. I can only hope his good behavior lasts until he graduates.
    "Please, manga, manga . Enjoy your meal and we'll talk on the ride back."
    She was only too happy to dig into the savory saltimbocca; veal layered with prosciutto and cheese in a wine sauce over polenta. When she was finished, she wiped up the last of the sauce with her bread. "That was beyond yummy."
    Raul said, "Saltimbocca means jumps in the mouth and it's one of my uncle's best dishes." Then he stood and lifted her shawl off the back of her chair, and in an intimate gesture that caused her breath to stop, lightly lifted her hair away from her neck to gently lay the shawl across her shoulders.
    For a moment, the music from the guitar player, conversation of nearby diners, waiters delivering and retrieving plates of food… it all faded into the background and she was standing there alone with him. Their eyes locked and only with great difficulty was she able to break the connection.
    At the door, Katy looked back and gave one last look at the garden with its hanging lighted baskets. "It's like a secret garden. From the outside the walls are simple and plain. One would never know all of this is inside."
    He was standing close to her, his voice warm in her ear. "I'm glad you liked it. Shall we go?"
    Replete from the very good food and charmed by this magical night, she got into the car, belted up, and sat back to enjoy the moonlit night. At her contented sigh, Raul broke in on her quiet thoughts.
    "I think Spencer Bobbitt will attempt to bribe you. You're a beautiful young American, a skillful sailor and you will be a sympathetic ear to many of the people on the list. He will want to have you on his side to make sure your investigation clears his name."
    "Now it's my investigation?" The

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