A Dance with Dragons: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Five

A Dance with Dragons: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Five by George R. R. Martin Page B

Book: A Dance with Dragons: A Song of Ice and Fire: Book Five by George R. R. Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: George R. R. Martin
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    Sometimes Bran could sense the direwolf sniffing after the elk, wondering if he could bring the great beast down. Summer had grown accustomed to horses at Winterfell, but this was an elk and elk were prey. The direwolf could sense the warm blood coursing beneath the elk’s shaggy hide. Just the smell was enough to make the slaver run from between his jaws, and when it did Bran’s mouth would water at the thought of rich, dark meat.
    From a nearby oak a raven
ed, and Bran heard the sound of wings as another of the big black birds flapped down to land beside it. By day only half a dozen ravens stayed with them, flitting from tree to tree or riding on the antlers of the elk. The rest of the murder flew ahead or lingeredbehind. But when the sun sank low they would return, descending from the sky on night-black wings until every branch of every tree was thick with them for yards around. Some would fly to the ranger and mutter at him, and it seemed to Bran that he understood their
squawks. They are his eyes and ears. They scout for him, and whisper to him of dangers ahead and behind
    As now. The elk stopped suddenly, and the ranger vaulted lightly from his back to land in knee-deep snow. Summer growled at him, his fur bristling. The direwolf did not like the way that Coldhands smelled.
Dead meat, dry blood, a faint whiff of rot. And cold. Cold over all
    “What is it?” Meera wanted to know.
    “Behind us,” Coldhands announced, his voice muffled by the black wool scarf across his nose and mouth.
    “Wolves?” Bran asked. They had known for days that they were being followed. Every night they heard the mournful howling of the pack, and every night the wolves seemed a little closer.
Hunters, and hungry. They can smell how weak we are
. Often Bran woke shivering hours before the dawn, listening to the sound of them calling to one another in the distance as he waited for the sun to rise.
If there are wolves, there must be prey
, he used to think, until it came to him that
were the prey.
    The ranger shook his head. “Men. The wolves still keep their distance. These men are not so shy.”
    Meera Reed pushed back her hood. The wet snow that had covered it tumbled to the ground with a soft
. “How many men? Who are they?”
    “Foes. I’ll deal with them.”
    “I’ll come with you.”
    “You’ll stay. The boy must be protected. There is a lake ahead, hard frozen. When you come on it, turn north and follow the shoreline. You’ll come to a fishing village. Take refuge there until I can catch up with you.”
    Bran thought that Meera meant to argue until her brother said, “Do as he says. He knows this land.” Jojen’s eyes were a dark green, the color of moss, but heavy with a weariness that Bran had never seen in them before.
The little grandfather
. South of the Wall, the boy from the crannogs had seemed to be wise beyond his years, but up here he was as lost and frightened as the rest of them. Even so, Meera always listened to him.
    That was still true. Coldhands slipped between the trees, back the way they’d come, with four ravens flapping after him. Meera watched him go, her cheeks red with cold, breath puffing from her nostrils. She pulled her hood back up and gave the elk a nudge, and their trek resumed. Before theyhad gone twenty yards, though, she turned to glance behind them and said, “
, he says. What men? Does he mean wildlings? Why won’t he say?”
    “He said he’d go and deal with them,” said Bran.
, aye. He said he would take us to this three-eyed crow too. That river we crossed this morning is the same one we crossed four days ago, I swear. We’re going in circles.”
    “Rivers turn and twist,” Bran said uncertainly, “and where there’s lakes and hills, you need to go around.”
    “There’s been too much
going around,”
Meera insisted, “and too many secrets. I don’t like it. I don’t like
. And I don’t trust him. Those hands

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