A Cowboy Worth Claiming

A Cowboy Worth Claiming by Charlene Sands Page B

Book: A Cowboy Worth Claiming by Charlene Sands Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlene Sands
Tags: Romance, Western
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eyes, seeing just the dark outline from a glimmer of light overhead. “I’m not a child, Chance. I know the situation.”
    He grumbled.
    “I wasn’t complaining. Just thought I could get a mite more comfortable, is all. Why’d you get so riled?”
    “You’re more a child than I thought,” he said quietly, “if you don’t know the answer to that.”
    She’d never had a mama to speak to regarding these things, so as much as she’d like to sass Chance right now, she couldn’t. No clever words came to mind and she wasn’t sure what to make of that. She nibbled on her lower lip for a moment and then figured she might chew it off if she wasn’t careful, her mouth was so darn numb.
    She understood that a man got bothered when lying with a woman. But hadn’t Chance just said, lying with a woman wasn’t anything like this. He couldn’t be right, because as she began to thaw, having him atop her, covering her with his big body, and breathing the same air from under the blanket, her insides felt as soft and sweet as strawberry jam.
    Why, she could imagine touching him, doing that exploring she’d been wanting to do and, yes, kissing him. What would it be like to kiss a man like Chance? Would having his lips on hers steal all the breath from her lungs? Would the stubble on his face scratch her as much as the blanket beneath her? Would he taste like coffee and earth and air all mixed into one?
    Lizzie sighed, the tiny sound escaping her mouth one of pure pleasure.
    She heard Chance’s intake of breath. “Lizzie, whatever you’re thinking, don’t. ”
    “Don’t, Lizzie,” he warned again.
    “But I was just going to ask if you’re planning on sleeping this way all night? I mean, you can’t possibly get any sleep in that position, half on, half off of me, sort of suspended the way you are.” She could feel him holding back, keeping their most intimate parts from touching. How long could he go on holding himself that way?
    “That’s my problem.”
    “It’ll be mine, if you land on me and crush me during the night. I don’t think I’ll sleep a wink in this position, not being able to move a muscle and all.”
    “If I land on you, you just shove me off. You got that?”
    “Yes, I got that. But what if I move by acc—”
    “Damn it, Lizzie,” he growled. Then he flopped down and turned onto his side, grabbing her and curling her body into him like a curved spoon. She fit into the bend of his body perfectly and his heat this time came from behind as he locked his arm over her shoulder, tucking her in tight against his rigid body. His voice was raspy and low. “Not another word. Now, get some sleep. And whatever you do, don’t tell a soul you laid with me like this.”
    She nodded and closed her eyes. She was nestled in his body heat and felt safe in his arms. She wouldn’t have believed it possible, but she’d felt his heartbeats race under her palms just seconds ago. The beats matched the rhythm of her own hurried pulse and only one reason for that came to mind—she’d tempted Chance, as a woman, and nothing flamed her insides more than that realization.
    * * *
    Lizzie woke to heat, the sun’s rays searing through her body and soothing the aches that had settled in her bones last night. Sunshine was heaven, she thought as her eyes fluttered opened. And there was plenty of that this morning. She squinted and lifted her face upward, relishing the warmth. No clouds marred the blue skies, the storm had passed and if it weren’t for drying mud and dew moistening the prairie grass, she might not have guessed the night before had been cold, wet and dreadful.
    Then she remembered how she’d spent the night, with Chance curled around her, selflessly keeping her warm and dry. He’d been kind again, in his own way, and there was no doubting that he’s saved her from freezing to death. He wasn’t under the blanket with her anymore. She’d sensed she was alone on their makeshift bedding even

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