A Christmas to Love You
what we have for anything in the world but I miss my damn husband. Hunter leaves early in the morning and that’s when we normally get our alone time as long as we don’t have one of the kids in our bed, which is a hit or miss on any given night. Hunter’s pretty good at knowing when I need him so even in those early mornings that he has to get up for work he wakes me and asks me to shower with him. It may only be twenty minutes but those twenty minutes are enough for me, for us. The rest of the day is filled with getting Ryder to preschool, entertaining Olivia, school work, cooking, cleaning, baths and bedtime. By the time the kids are asleep I’m exhausted and so is Hunter from working. We try at least once a month to have a date night. Some of those nights consist of sleeping and nothing else and sometimes those nights consist of those heart-stopping moments that never feel long enough.
    “Don’t start something you can’t finish, lover boy.” I say kissing his lips once more.
    I go to take a step back but Hunter reaches out and pulls me back to him, chest to chest. “I never have a problem finishing, CC.” Then he lowers his lips to mine and reminds me that he never does have a problem with anything that he does to me but we have to get out of here or we’ll never leave and as much as I don’t want to we have to.
    “Mommy!” Ryder yells from downstairs and the doorbell dings again.
    “Shit,” I say tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “You distracted me and your poor mom is outside waiting for us to let her in.”
    Hunter’s face splits into a wide grin. He is proud of himself for making me forget what I was doing. Asshole.
    “Go let your mom in. Olivia and I will meet you downstairs in a second.” I reach down and grab Olivia. Hunter nods and heads downstairs to let his mom in. I need a second to get myself under control before I pounce on my poor husband in front of his mother and embarrass myself. You’d think after all this time that I’d be able to control myself but that man just has that something that gets me all fired up whenever he looks at me.
    I step into the bathroom and place Olivia down on the sink and fix her ponytail. “What am I going to do with your daddy, huh?”
    She tries to grab the brush from me and squirms. She hates when anyone but Hunter touches her hair. After I get it fixed up I pick her back up and head downstairs.
    Olivia and I meet everyone in the living room where I can set Olivia down and know she’s safe with all the baby gates in place. Hunter and his mom are whispering in the corner and Ryder is playing with his trucks banging them into the couch. When Hunter and his mom notice me they both smile. I return it hesitantly not liking the looks on their faces, you know the cat that got the canary sort of look. Sadie hugs me and kisses me on the cheek. “Looking as stunning as ever.”
    I eye her suspiciously. Something is going on but I can’t put my finger on it just yet. When Ryder notices I’m in the room he runs over to me and wraps his little arms around my legs. “Love you mommy.”
    I bend down so I’m eye level. “Love you too, Monkey.”
    “Ready to go?” Hunter asks with Olivia in his arms.
    I stand up on my tiptoes and kiss her forehead. “Love you, Liv.”
    Hunter kisses Olivia on her forehead before placing her down next to her brother. “Bye buddy, I’ll see you later.”
    “Bye dad.” Ryder says already back to playing with his trucks.
    “Bye mom.” Hunter says over his shoulder ushering me out of the living room.
    When we get to the front door I notice two bags, our overnight bags to be specific. With my eyebrows raised I ask, “Are we going somewhere?”
    Hunter nods while reaching down for the bags. “Yup, we’re going to Atlantic City for the weekend. Mom’s staying over with the kids.”
    My jaw damn near hits the floor. Hunter and I rarely spend the night away from the kids much less an entire weekend. “Really?”

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